"Until when is the Go To Travel campaign valid for reservations?"
- "Until when is the Go To Travel campaign valid for reservations?"
"until when" 「いつまで」
"the Go To Travel campaign" 「gotoトラベルは」"Go To Travel" だけ言ってもいいです。
"valid" 「有効」
"reservations" 「予約」"bookings"
"until when can I make accommodation bookings that are valid for Go To Travel."
Until when is it possible to make reservations with the Go To Travel vouchers?
「gotoトラベルはいつまでの予約に有効ですか?」は英語で「Until when is it possible to make reservations with the Go To Travel vouchers?」と言えます。
この質問でGo To Travel券でいつまで宿泊に対して有効ですかと聞いています。