lack「不足する」も使えますが、口語ならKentaさんもお答えのように、not eat enough vehetables / not get enough vegetables「野菜を充分食べない/摂取しない」だと言いやすいと思います。習慣的なことを言うので、普通の現在形でOKです。
I recommend Gold Press Juice to people who don't get enough vegetables.「野菜不足な方にコールドプレスジュースをおすすめします」
Cold-pressed juices are recommened for people who lack vegetables in their diets.
「lack 」は、他動詞で「~を欠く」。
”Watch your diet!" というフレーズは、「食事に気をつけなさい!」という意味です。
"Cold-pressed juices are recommened for people who lack vegetables in their diets."と言うことができます。
Cold-pressed とは、低温圧搾方のことで、原材料に圧をかけて、低温のままギュウギュウ絞り出す方法で、栄養素を破壊しないというメリットがあるらしいですよ~♪
不足する=to lack.
コールドプレスジュース=cold pressed juice.
おススメする=to recommend.
We recommend to drink cold pressed juice to people who are lacking vegetables.
XXX juice is good for those who don't eat enough vegetables.
直訳するのではなく、「野菜をあまり食べない人」という風に考えて、those who do not eat enough vegetables と言えばいいですね!
また補足ですが、vegetablesは基本的に複数形で使うことと、vegetablesのことをアメリカの口語ではveggies ということも多いことも覚えておくといいですよ♪
1. deficiency = a lack of something
2. carnivore = a meat eater such as a lion or wolf. Such creatures will always lack vegetables as they never eat them!
3. If you are in a restaurant and your friend lacks vegetables on his plate whereas everyone else has vegetables, this is a humorous comment highlighting your friend's partial dish.
He rarely eats vegetables...not enough greens in his diet!
Eating our " Greens" is part of a well balanced food intake...the generic term for
vegetables (green or not)
Someone who does not eat enough "greens" may well become fibre deficient!
The words "lacking" and "deficient" mean that you do not have enough of something.
"Lacking in leafy greens"- 'leafy greens' generally refers to vegetables and is a casual way of referring to it. You can also use this phrase when you are specifically talking about vegetables like spinach, celery etc. All the vegetables that actually have green leaves on them!
"Vegetable deficient"- Used the same way as above. You could say "He is not healthy and is deficient in vegetables."
"Lacking in vegetable consumption"- This sounds more scientific than the other two examples. The word "consumption" means "to take in". In this sense, it means to eat vegetables. For example: " He is lacking in vegetable consumption."