You should focus on what you do with English rather than the English learning itself.
この文脈では、"have to" と "should" はほぼ同じ意味ですが、"have to" は命令とした発言になり、"should" はアドバイスというニュアンスがあります。
"You should focus on what you do with English"=「英語で君が何をするかに焦点を当てるべきで」
"rather than the English learning itself."=「英語学習そのものよりも。」
"You have to focus on using English to do something rather than just learning English."
"It's more important to focus on using English to do something than just learn English."
- "You have to focus on using English to do something rather than just learning English."
"you have to ~" 「〜しなければなれない」
"focus on ~" 「〜に焦点を当てる」
"using English" 「英語を使って」
"to do something" 「何かをする」
"rather than ~" 「〜より」
"just learning English" 「英語学習だけ」
"It's more important to focus on using English to do something than just learn English."
"it's more important to ~" 「〜の方が大切」