If I happen to be on my balcony, I can hear my neighborhood ladies' conversations very well, and that is very entertaining.
"If I happen to be on my balcony,"=「ベランダに私がいると」
"I can hear my neighborhood ladies' conversations very well,"=「近所の女性たちの会話がよく聞こえる」
"and that is very entertaining."=「そしてそれはとても楽しい。」
☆「近所の人」は "my neighbor" と言えるのですが、"neighbor" では性別がはっきりしないので、"neighborhood ladies" と訳しました。
- A conversation among the neighborhood aunties.
- Neighborhood aunties’ conversation
- The aunties in the house across from me always stand outside and talk everyday.
- When I stand out on the veranda, I can hear the entire conversation so listening to the neighborhood aunties talk is fun.
conversation from the elderly women living in the neighborhood
The elderly women from the house across the street stand outside talking every day. I like telling people that I enjoy listening to their conversation because I can hear what they're saying entirely whenever I am on my balcony.
「近所のおばちゃん達の会話」は英語で「conversation from the elderly women living in the neighborhood」と言えます。
また、「向かいの家のおばさん達は毎日外で立ち話してます。ベランダにいると会話が丸聞こえなので、近所のおばちゃん達の会話を聞くのが楽しいと人に話す」という説明も英訳にすると、「The elderly women from the house across the street stand outside talking every day. I like telling people that I enjoy listening to their conversation because I can hear what they're saying entirely whenever I am on my balcony.」になります。