- I can see the future
- I know what's going to happen
- I can see what's going to happen
- I know what is going to happen next
- I already know what's going to happen
- predict what will happen in the future
"I can see how this is going to end." 「これはどうやって終わるのを想像できる」
"I can see ~" 「〜を見える」・「〜を想像できる」
"how" 「どうやって」
"this is going to end" 「これは終わる」・「これの終わりかった」
「先が見える」は英語で「I can see how this is going to turn out.」と言います。「I can see how this is going to turn out.」は強いて言えばよくない結末が予想できる時に多く使われています。「turn out」は「結末」というニュアンスです。
I can see how this is going to turn out. Prepare yourself.