"The portrayal of that film left a deep impression on me."
"The depictions in that film had a strong impact on me."
"That film's striking tableau left a deep impression on me."
"The portrayal of that film left a deep impression on me."
"the portrayal of that film" 「その映画の心打つ描写は」
"portrayal" 「描写」・「心打つ描写」
"that film" 「その映画」"film" 代わり "movie" も使えます。
"left a ~ on me" 「〜残っている」
"deep impression" 「心に深く」
"The depictions in that film had a strong impact on me."
"depictions" 「描写」・「心打つ描写」
"strong impact on me" 「強く影響与えた」・「心に深く残っている」
"That film's striking tableau left a deep impression on me."
"that film's striking tableau" 「その映画の心打つ描写は」
"tableau" を使うことができますが上の二つの文の方がわかりやすいです。