I want to watch all of the Stephen King shows and movies that I haven't seen yet.
「まだ見ていない」を自然な英語に訳すと「まだ見たことがない」の英訳を使用します。ですので、I haven't seen yetを提案しています。
例文:I want to see all of the Stephen King shows and movies that I haven't watched yet.
I'd like to see all of the original Stephen King dramas and movies that I haven't seen yet.
ーI'd like to see all of the original Stephen King dramas and movies I haven't seen yet.
the original Stephen King dramas and movies で「スティーブン・キング原作のドラマと映画」と言えます。
ーThere are still quite a few original Stephen King movies and TV dramas that I haven't had a chance to see. It would be nice if I could see them all someday.
movies and TV dramas that I haven't had a chance to see「まだ観る機会がない(まだ観ていない)映画やテレビドラマ」のような言い方もできます。