Does it seem like you'll be busy with work this morning?
「今日は忙しくなりそうかい?」は英語で「Does it seem like you'll be busy today?」と言えます。
もし、具体的に「朝、仕事が忙しくなりそうか」と聞きたいなら、「Does it seem like you'll be busy with work this morning?」と言えます。
Do you think you're going to have a busy day today?
Do you have a lot on your plate today?
ーDoes it look like you're going to be busy today?
ーDo you think you're going to have a busy day today?
ーDo you have a lot on your plate today?
to have a lot on one's plate で「やることがたくさんある・忙しい」という意味のフレーズです。覚えておくと良いですよ!