世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/09/10 07:07
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  • This is the second lesson with you. I'm happy to be taking your lesson.

3回目のレッスンなら This is the third lesson with you. 4回目 fourth 5回目 fifth と、なります。 「今日もよろしくお願いします」は英語に訳せないので、 I'm happy to be taking your lesson. 「私はあなたのレッスンを取れて嬉しいです」と訳しました。
  • This is my second lesson with you. I'm looking forward to today's lesson.

  • This is my second time learning from you. I'm looking forward to today's lesson.

「2回目のレッスンですね」= 「This is my second lesson with you. 」 「This is my second time learning from you.」というフレーズも使えますが、前に紹介した 「This is my second lesson with you. 」の方がネイティブっぽくて自然です。 「今日もよろしくお願いします」という日本語は英語に翻訳しづらいですが、「I'm looking forward to today's lesson」(今日のレッスンを楽しみにしている)や「I'm excited about today's lesson」が一番近い英語だと思います。
Mairi 英語講師/著者/英語ブロガー
  • Hello again!

  • Nice to see you again!

Again is the most important word. 'Again' means more than once. Its a very helpful word in English! Before saying again, we can use usual greetings like 'hello' or 'nice to see you'. Try not to use 'nice to meet you' This is something we should only use the first time we meet someone, after that is it more appropriate to say 'nice to see you'
「again」が一番大事な単語です。「再び」という意味です。とても便利な言葉です。 「again」の前はいつものあいさつ(「hello」「nice to see you」など)で構いません。「nice to meet you」とは言わないようにしましょう。これは初対面の人にしか使いません。 会ったことのある人には「nice to see you」の方が適切です。
Danno DMM英会話講師
  • This is our second lesson together.

  • It is nice to see you again.

*This is our second lesson together. This is a direct way of saying that this is your second time having a lesson with the teacher. *It is nice to see you again. This a way of showing that you are happy for seeing the teacher again.
例文 *This is our second lesson together. 今回が2回めのレッスンですね。 この文はその先生と2回めの レッスンだということを 直接的に表現しています。 例文 *It is nice to see you again. 又お会い出来て嬉しいです。 この文は、又その先生に会えて 嬉しいという気持ちを表しています。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • It's a pleasure having you as my teacher/lecturer/tutor again.

  • It is our second time having a lesson. Thank you so much for your hard work!

  • Hello, again! This is our second class/lesson together.

Anytime you use the word "again" it always shows that a first time has already happened. You can add this at the end of the sentence to show that it is the second (or more) time. For example: 1) Nice to see you. >> Nice to see you again. 2) Hello >> Hello, again. 3) It's nice to see you. >> It's nice to see you again! Personally, I like to say these greetings: Hello, again! It's nice to see you. How are you? Hi, it is our second class together! It is nice to see you again.
"again"という言葉は、一度目以降を表します。二回目、もしくはそれ以上を示すために、文の最後に付けることができます。  例: 1) Nice to see you. >> Nice to see you again. 会えてうれしいです。→また会えてうれしいです。 2) Hello >> Hello, again. こんにちは。→(また)こんにちは。 3) It's nice to see you. >> It's nice to see you again! 会えてうれしいです。→また会えてうれしいです。 個人的には、以下のような挨拶が好きです。   Hello, again! It's nice to see you. How are you? こんにちは。会えてうれしいよ。元気? Hi, it is our second class together! It is nice to see you again. こんにちは。二回目のクラスだね!また会えてうれしいよ。
Joraly DMM英会話講師
  • This is our second lesson together!

  • I'm glad to have you as my teacher again.

Both of these sentences will let your teacher know that it is your second time taking a lesson with them. The dialogue below will use these sentences. You-This is our second lesson together! Teacher-Yes, I was happy to see that we were going to have another session together. You- I'm glad to have you as my teacher again. Teacher- I'm happy to have you as my student! Are you ready to begin?
どちらの表現も、その先生との2回目のレッスンだという事を伝える事が出来ます。 以下は、この例文を使った短い会話になります。 【会話】 You-This is our second lesson together! (これは2回目のレッスンですね) Teacher-Yes, I was happy to see that we were going to have another session together. (はい、また一緒にレッスンできてうれしいです) You- I'm glad to have you as my teacher again. (また先生とご一緒できてうれしいです) Teacher- I'm happy to have you as my student! Are you ready to begin? (またご一緒できてうれしいです、さあ、レッスン始めましょうか?)
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
  • It is good to see you again.

  • It is nice to see you again.

  • I am glad to see you again.

Usually when we meet someone new for the first time we say: "It is good to meet you" "It is nice to meet you" "I am glad to meet you" When you are meeting up with a person for the second time you will add the word"again" and change the word "meet" to "see". Meet= to have an encounter with someone for the first time. Again= This is a repeated action, something that has already happened before. Example: Please do not eat that cake again! You already ate a piece. It is nice to see you again. It is good to see you again. I am glad to see you again.
初対面の人にはたいてい次のような言い方をします: "It is good to meet you" "It is nice to meet you" "I am glad to meet you" 2回目に合う時には、ここに「again」を加えて、「meet」を「see」に変えます: It is nice to see you again. It is good to see you again. I am glad to see you again. Meet=初めて人と会う Again=繰り返しすること、前にすでに起きたことがあること 例:Please do not eat that cake again! You already ate a piece.(もうあのケーキ食べないで。一切れ食べたでしょ)
Fay Fay DMM英会話講師
  • Hello! It's nice to see you again!

  • I'm glad to be taking another lesson with you.

We don't necessarily have to mention to the teacher that it is the second time you're taking a class together, but simply mention that it is, "nice to see you again." We can also say that we are, "happy or glad to be taking another lesson with you."
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
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