You'll have to wait until you open it to see which one you get!
You'll have to wait until you open it to see which one you get!
"you'll have to wait until ~" 「〜まで待ってないと」・「〜のお楽しみ!」
"you open it" 「開けてから」
"to see which one you get" 「どれが出るかを見る」
"which one" の代わりに "what" や "what one" も言えます。
It'll be a surprise to see what's inside once you've opened it.
この場合、中にランダムに商品が入っているものを選んでもらうときに、「どれが出るかは開けてからのお楽しみです!」と伝えたいなら、英語で「It'll be a surprise to see what's inside once you've opened it.」という風に言えます。