In order to receive feedback, information is necessary.
We'll promote the supplier's product to the customer and have them purchase it. But in order to get feedback, whether it's good or bad, whether they'll buy it or not, we must provide the relevant information needed
「判断してもらうためにも情報が必要です」は英語で「In order to receive feedback, information is necessary.」と言います。
また、文脈あるため、全体的に「仕入れ先から仕入れた商品を、今度は自分たちのお客さんに宣伝して買ってもらいます。その商品がいいか悪いか、また買うか買わないかを判断してもらうためにお客さんに情報を提供することは必要です」と説明したいなら、そうすると、「We'll promote the supplier's product to the customer and have them purchase it. But in order to get feedback, whether it's good or bad, whether they'll buy it or not, we must provide the relevant information needed.」という風に言えます。
In order for a decision to be made, information is needed.
- In order for a decision to be made, information is needed.
- We purchase products from our suppliers then promote them to our own customers and have them buy the products. It is necessary to provide customers with information concerning the product so that they can decide whether the product is good or bad, and whether or not to buy it.