Young people use LINE for work and Instagram for contacting their friends.
Young people these days use LINE for work and Instagram for contacting their friends.
・「Young people use LINE for work and Instagram for contacting their friends.」
・「Young people these days use LINE for work and Instagram for contacting their friends.」
(例文)Which is more popular LINE or Instagram?// Young people these days use LINE for work and Instagram for contacting their friends.
(訳)LINEかインスタどちらの方が人気ですか?// 最近の若者はラインは仕事用、インスタのは友達と連絡を取り合うために使う。
Instagram インスタ
Young people use LINE for work contacts and Instagram DMs for personal contacts.
「若者はラインは仕事用、インスタのDMは友達用に使う。」は英語で「Young people use LINE for work contacts and Instagram DMs for personal contacts.」と言います。英語圏では、ラインはあまり使われていないので、ラインより「Facebook Messenger」、「WhatsApp」などが使われています。
Young people use Messenger for work contacts and Instagram DMs for personal contacts.