世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/10/13 10:25
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  • How come it always takes so long to get a response from you?

This is something you can either say in person to the individual or text it. You are asking them in a nice was why does it take so long for them to respond to your text messages. By using the word “always” you are indicating that it takes them a long time to respond to every text message you send them.
これはあなたが直接個人に対して言う、もしくはそのテキストメッセージを送るものです。 なぜあなたのテキストメッセージに対する返信にそんなに時間がかかるのか、相手に遠回しに聞いています。 “always” を使うことで、あなたの送る全てのテキストメッセージに対する返信に時間がかかっていること示しています。
Lauren F DMM英会話講師
  • Why do you take so long to reply?

  • Why do you always take forever to reply to my text.

▪Why do you take so long to reply? "take so long" = taking a great amount of time ▪Why do you always take forever to reply to my text. "take forever" = a very long time ●
▪Why do you take so long to reply? "take so long" = すごく時間がかかる ▪Why do you always take forever to reply to my text. "take forever" = 長時間 ●
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • Why do you always respond so late?

  • Why is it taking you so long to get back to me?

  • Why are you taking forever to respond?

Why are you taking forever...? - This is like a hyperbole/exaggeration. When someone is taking an extremely long time, you can emphasize by saying that they are taking "forever" to respond or "an eternity" to respond.
Why are you taking forever...?  (~するのになんでそんなにいつまでも時間がかかるの?) これは、誇張表現です。 何かをするのにすごく時間がかかった時に、時間がすごくかかるという事を強調するために "forever" (永遠)や"an eternity" (無限)を使って表現することが出来ます。
Chantelle DMM英会話講師
  • Why do you take forever to reply to my texts?

Why do you take forever to reply to my texts? The expression "take forever" is an informal expression which means that something takes a very long time to happen.
Why do you take forever to reply to my texts? (返事をするのになんでそんなにいつまでも時間がかかるの?) この"take forever"とは、インフォーマルな表現で、何かをするのにいつまでもものすごく時間がかかるという意味です。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • Why do you reply so late?

  • It is very annoying when you reply late.

*Why do you reply so late?-This means that they respond to your text/messages after a long and you want to know why they take that long. *It is very annoying when you reply late.-When something is annoying it means it bothers you and you don't like. Therefore you are expressing how unhappy you are about and would really appreciate if they improved on that.
*Why do you reply so late? (なんで返事がそんなに遅いの?) これは、あなたのメールに対して返事をするのになぜそんなに時間がかかるのかと言う意味です。 *It is very annoying when you reply late. (返事が遅いからイライラする) "annoying"とはイライラさせる、煩わせるという意味です。ですので、あなたは不満なので、改善してもらえるとありがたいという意味になります。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • I don't understand why you take so long to reply!

  • Waiting for a reply from you is like watching paint dry!

Watching paint dry = used to refer to an activity that you consider extremely boring: "Don't you want to watch the football?" "To be honest, I would rather watch paint dry." 'Watching paint dry' is a slightly humorous way of saying that you are bored doing something - such as waiting. "I don't understand why you take so long to reply!" is obviously a complaint and a criticism and hopefully, should gain a response of some kind.
Watching paint dry = とても退屈だと思っている活動を表す時に使われます。 例文 "Don't you want to watch the football?" "To be honest, I would rather watch paint dry." サッカーの試合を見たくないの?正直に言うと、 ペンキが乾くのを見ていた方がましだ。 'Watching paint dry' は、待つことのように退屈なことをしていることを少しユーモラスに言う表現です。 例文 "I don't understand why you take so long to reply!" あなたが、なぜ返事にそんなに時間がかかるのか分からない。 は、明らかに文句を言っていて、批判していますので、おそらく何らかの返答が得られるはずです。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • You take too long to respond to my texts.

  • Your replies are too tardy.

  • You never reply on time!

Also, You are too slow in replying to my texts. You take your own time to reply to my texts. That is annoying. I hate waiting for your reply to my text! You are always so slow. Why do you take so long to reply to my text? Why can't you respond to my texts immediately? What's stopping you from replying to my text as soon as you see them? I hate being on the receiving end! You take your own sweet time to reply to my texts. Waiting for your response is killing!
又は 例文 You are too slow in replying to my texts. 私のメールに返信するのが遅すぎる。 You take your own time to reply to my texts. That is annoying. 私のメールに返信するのに時間がかかりすぎだよ。イライラする。 I hate waiting for your reply to my text! You are always so slow. メールへの返信を待っているのがイヤだ。あなたはいつも返信が凄く遅い。 Why do you take so long to reply to my text? 私のメールに返信するのにどうしてそんなに時間がかかるの? Why can't you respond to my texts immediately? どうしてすぐに私のメールに返信できないの? What's stopping you from replying to my text as soon as you see them? どうしてメールを見たらすぐに返信できないの? I hate being on the receiving end! You take your own sweet time to reply to my texts. 返信を待っているのがイヤなんだ。私のメールに返信するのに時間がかかりすぎだよ。 Waiting for your response is killing! あなたの返信を待っていると気がおかしくなる。
Mariashanti DMM英語講師
  • Should I die before you reply?!?

If someone uses this phrase they will truly sound like a native English speaker. These phrases that do not have a literal meaning have an 'implied' meaning. here asking the question "Should I die before you reply?!?" implies that the person who is replying give their replies too slowly and that death (figuratively speaking) could occur before they reply.
これはすごくネイティブっぽい言い方です。 こうしたフレーズは文字通りの意味ではなく、裏の意味があります。 "Should I die before you reply?!?" は、「返信が遅すぎて、その前に死んでしまうよ」というニュアンスです。
Kayleb DMM英会話講師
  • You always leave me on seen.

  • You always take forever to reply.

"To be left on seen" is a colloquial way of saying that your message was left without a reply. "You always take forever to reply" is another colloquial expression that can be used between friends. The exaggeration "forever" stresses the fact that the person takes a very long time to respond.
"To be left on seen" はメッセージに返信せず無視することをいいます。口語的な表現です。 "You always take forever to reply"(あなたいつも全然返信してこない)も、友達同士で使えるカジュアルな表現です。 "forever"(永遠に)は誇張表現です、返信が遅いことを強調しています。
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • Why are you taking so long to reply?

  • What is taking you so long to reply?

  • You always take forever to reply!

To 'take forever' to reply means that they are taking a very long time to reply. It is slightly dramatic but very commonly used. You can also ask why and what is taking them so long to reply. A:Why are you taking so long to reply? B:Sorry, I am busy making dinner.
take forever to reply' は「返信にすごく時間がかかる」という意味です。少し大げさな言い方ですがよく使われます。 どうして返信に時間がかかるのか尋ねることもできます。 A:Why are you taking so long to reply?(どうして返信にこんなに時間がかかるの) B:Sorry, I am busy making dinner.(ごめん。今夕ご飯作っていて忙しいんだ)
Niabh DMM英語講師
  • Why do you always take so long to respond to my texts?

By using the word "always" you are indicating that this happens to most of your texts and not just occasionally. Also by using the verb "respond" you are saying that their reply need not be a written one, but it can also be a simple emoticon. Smiley face etc.
"always" を使うと、これが時々でなく、「ほとんどのメールに対して起きる」という意味になります。 "respond" には、文字による返信だけでなく、単に顔文字(笑顔のマークなど)だけの返信も含まれます。
Desmond DMM英会話講師
  • Your responses come after a really long wait.

  • I can never be patient enough to wait for your reply, you take too long.

  • Woah, you take so long to get back to my messages.

You can use the words above to explain to someone that they take too long to reply to your messages. "Please reply sooner, you usually take very long." "Why are you so slow to respond to my messages?" "Please reply as soon as you can, you usually take very long." The word 'woah' is similar to 'wow', it expresses surprise or shock.
「メッセージに対する返信が遅い」は、上記のように言えます。 "Please reply sooner, you usually take very long."(早めに返信してください、あなたはいつも返信が遅い) "Why are you so slow to respond to my messages?"(なぜあなたはメッセージに返信するのがこんなに遅いの) "Please reply as soon as you can, you usually take very long."(できるだけ早く返信してください、あなたはいつも返信が遅い) 'woah' は 'wow' に近いです。驚きやショックを表します。
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
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