During a professional Shogi match, I ended up losing the match due to the strange rule of having my mask off for a long period of time. Unbelievable!
「異常なルール」は英語で「strange rule」と言います。
また、「将棋のプロの対戦で、マスクを長時間外したことを理由に反則負けとなりました。異常なルールで、信じられません。」という文脈で説明したいなら、英語で「During a professional Shogi match, I ended up losing the match due to the strange rule of having my mask off for a long period of time. Unbelievable!」という風に言えます。
ーThat's an extreme rule.
extreme で「極端な・異常な」
ーThat's an aberrant rule.
aberrant で「常軌を逸した・異常な」
A professional Shogi player lost a match because he took his mask off during the game. That seems a bit extreme to me.
このようにa bit extreme「少し行き過ぎた」というように表現することもできます。