Today was a nice day, so I hung my futons outside. They were all nice and fluffy when I brought them inside.
ーToday was a nice day, so I hung my futons outside. They were all nice and fluffy when I brought them inside.
a nice day で天気が良いことも言えます。
to hang ... outside で「…を外に干す」
nice and fluffy で「すごくふかふかした」
to bring ... inside で「中に持って入る」
英語で futons というと、通常敷布団(海外のfutonsはソファーベッドに使われていて日本の敷布団より分厚いです)を指します。
"The weather was nice today so I hung my futon out. It got so soft and fluffy!"
"The weather was nice today so I aired out my futon. Now it's nice and fluffy!"
"The weather was nice today so I hung my futon out. It got so soft and fluffy!"
"the weather was nice today" 「今日は良い天気だった」"It was a beautiful day today" も言えます。
"weather" 「天気」
"nice" 「良い」
"today" 「今日」
"I hung my futon out" 「布団を干した」"I hung out my futon" も言えます。
"to hang out" 「干す」"hung out" 「干した」過去形。
"futon" 「布団」
"it got so soft and fluffy" 「ふかふかになりました」
"it got so ~" 「〜になりました!」
"soft and fluffy" 「ふかふか」
"The weather was nice today so I aired out my futon. Now it's nice and fluffy!"
"I aired out my futon" 「布団を干した」
"now it's nice and fluffy" 「ふかふかになった!」