You would probably feel lonely with no one to rely on and worthless as a human being.
"You would probably feel lonely with no one to rely on"=「多分、誰も頼れる人間がいないため、淋しいと感じるでしょう」
(又は "You would probably feel lonely and alone"とも言えます。*lonely*=「淋しい」、*alone*=「孤独」)
"and worthless as a human being."=「そして人間として価値が無いと。」
☆この "you" という主語は話している相手ではなく、一般的に誰か、という意味で使われています。
You would feel lonely and without value as a human being.
You might feel like you're not worth much as a person and I suppose you would feel lonely as well.
ーYou would feel lonely and without value as a human being.
feel lonely で「孤独に感じる・寂しく感じる」
without value で「価値なしに」
ーYou might feel like you're not worth much as a person and I suppose you would feel lonely as well.
not worth much as ... で「…としてあまり価値のない」