I was completely obsessed with the renovating of my house, but it was as if whatever that possessed me went away.
I suddenly lost interest in it.
"I was completely obsessed with the renovating of my house,"=「私は完全に家のリフォームに夢中だった」
"but it was as if whatever that possessed me went away."=「でもそれはまるで、私に取り付いているものが居なくなったかのようだった」
"I suddenly lost interest in it."=「急にそれに興味を無くした。」
I lost interest so fast it was like an evil spirit stopped possessing me.
- I lost interest so fast it was like an evil spirit stopped possessing me.
- I lost interest as if an evil spirit left me.
I was so interested in remodeling my home, almost as if I were possessed. But the spirit possessing me must have left, because I suddenly lost interest.
- まるで取り憑かれたかのように、自宅のリフォームに熱心だった。しかし、憑依していた霊が去ったのか、急に興味が薄れてしまったのです。