By when do I need to send the New Year's card for it to arrive on New Year's Day?
- By when do I need to send the New Year's card for it to arrive on New Year's Day?
- When do I need to send New Year's cards for them to arrive on New Year's Day?
- If I want it to arrive on New Year's Day, by what day do I need to send them by?
"When do I need to post my new years cards in order for them to arrive in time for new years day?"
"When do I need to post my new years cards in order for them to arrive in time for new years day?"
"when do I need to ~ by" 「何日までに〜したら」
"post my new years cards" 「年賀状を投函する」
"in order for them to ~"「〜のため」
"arrive" 「届く」
"in time" 「間に合う」
"for new years day" 「元旦」
"in order for them to arrive in time for new years day?”「元旦に届くのため」