When I was in college, I had four really good friends and we were all in the same club.
"When I was in college,"=「大学にいたとき」
"I had four really good friends"=「4人、とても仲の良い友達がいた」
"and we were all in the same club."=「そしてみんな同じクラブに入っていた。」
(又は、*and we all belonged to the same club.*=「そして、みんな同じクラブの属していた」とも言えます。)
When I was in university, I had four really close friends who were in the same club I was in.
ーWhen I was in university, I had four really close friends who were in the same club I was in.
to have four really close friends で「仲の良い友達が4人いる」
friends who were in the same club I was in