"Dentistry is a very detailed and delicate job, so it is very tiring."
"Dental treatment is extremely intricate and subtle work, so it can be very tiring."
"Dentistry is a very detailed and delicate job, so it is very tiring."
"dentistry" 「歯科」
"is a very ~" 「ものすごく〜」
"detailed" 「細かく」
"job" 「仕事」
"so ~" 「なので〜」
"it is very tiring" 「気が張ります」
"Dental treatment is extremely intricate and subtle work, so it can be very tiring."
"Dental treatment" 「歯科治療は」
"is extremely ~" 「ものすごく〜」
"intricate" 「細かく」
"subtle" 「繊細な」
"work" 「仕事」