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2016/09/20 16:28
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  • Where can I get/buy/find a SIM card?

・Where can I get/buy/find a SIM card? 「SIMカードはどこで買えますか?」 「SIMカードはどこで売っているのか」を聞くには上記の表現がシンプルでいいと思います。 また can を should に変えると「どこでSIMカードを買ったらいいでしょうか?」と、おすすめの場所や方法を聞くようなニュアンスになります。
  • Where can I get a sim card?

  • Do they sell sim cards anywhere round here?

  • Where would you go to get a sim card locally?

With these expressions, you simply want to know about buying sim cards in that area. 'Where would you go to...?' is asking the other person what they personally would do if they needed to buy a sim card.
これらの表現では、単にそのエリアでSIMカードを購入することについての質問となります。 'Where would you go to...?' 相手に、彼らがSIMカードを購入する必要がある場合、どうしているのか、と尋ねる場合の表現です
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Purchase

  • Buy

  • Acquire

To "purchase" or "buy" a SIM card, is that you can own one. "Where can I buy a SIM card?" "Is there a place, that I can purchase a SIM card?" "Where can I acquire a SIM card?"
Purches/buy a SIM cardは、SIMカードを所有できるということを意味します。 例 "Where can I buy a SIM card?" 「どこでSIMカードを購入できますか?」 "Is there a place, that I can purchase a SIM card?" 「SIMカードを購入できる場所はありますか?」 "Where can I acquire a SIM card?" 「SIMカードはどこで入手できますか?」
Ronel DMM英会話講師
  • Where are SIM cards on sale?

  • Where can I purchase a SIM card?

  • Do you know where I can get a SIM card?

If you want to ask about where you can buy a SIM card, any of these questions can be used. 1. Where are SIM cards on sale? This question is asking about where SIM cards are being sold. 2. Where can I purchase a SIM card? This question is asking where can a SIM card be bought (purchased is another word for bought) 3. Do you know where I can get a SIM card? This question is another way of asking where SIM cards are being sold.
SIMカードがどこで買えるか尋ねたいなら、これらの表現が使えます。 1. Where are SIM cards on sale?(SIMカードはどこで売っていますか?) SIMカードがどこで売られているか尋ねています。 2. Where can I purchase a SIM card?(SIMカードはどこで買えますか?) どこでSIMカードが買えるか尋ねています。 ※ "purchase"は"buy"(買う)の別の言い方です。 3. Do you know where I can get a SIM card?(SIMカードがどこで買えるか知っていますか?) これも、SIMカードがどこで売られているかを尋ねています。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • Where can I get/purchase a sim card?

Where can I get/purchase a sim card? simカードはどこで購入できますか? get/buyの他にも「購入する」という意味で"purchase"も使えますよ!
Rina The Discovery Lounge主催
  • Where can I find a sim card?

どこにsimカードは売っていますか? 直訳は どこでシムカードは見つけられますか? findが良く使われます。
  • Where can I buy a SIM card?

購入 is usually translated as "buy" or "purchase." However, it is more common to say "buy" than "purchase."
購入 は普通はbuyやpurchaseで表されますが、buyの方がpurchaseより使われますね。
Glenny B English teacher/Translator/Editor/Content Creator
  • Are there any places to buy a SIM card?

  • Where is the best/nearest place to buy a SIM card?

"Are there any places to buy a SIM card?" You are looking for a non specific place to purchase a SIM card.In this question you are asking if there are any places available that might sell them. "Where is the best place to buy a SIM card?" You are asking for the perfect place to buy a SIM card that will not be expensive or troublesome. Where is the nearest place to buy a SIM card? You are looking for a place that will not require traveling a long distance.
"Are there any places to buy a SIM card?" 特に場所を指定せずにSIMカードが購入できる場所を探している場合、この質問のように、売っている所はどこですか、と尋ねることができます。 "Where is the best place to buy a SIM card?" SIMカードを買うのに、決して高くないまたは面倒ではない場所はどこか尋ねるときに使えます。 Where is the nearest place to buy a SIM card? そこまで行くのに遠くない場所を期待して尋ねる時に使います。
Babz DMM英会話講師
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