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2016/09/20 17:11
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  • Is the tip included in the bill?

英語では請求書などをひとくくりにthe billといいます。日本語で言う「お会計」もこれに入ります。 チップはTipとも書けばgratuityとも書きますの。請求書の中に書かれていないか確認しましょう。 他の例文 Could you tell me if the tip is already included in my bill? (チップはすでに私の請求金額に含まれているのか教えていただけますか?)
  • Is the tip already included in the bill please?

  • Is a service charge included in the bill please?

  • Is there a service charge added to the bill here please?

If a service charge or tip is already included, there is no need to leave a tip. A service charge in a restaurant is very rare in the UK.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Is the tip included?

  • Does this total include the tip?

Is the tip included? =チップは含まれてますか? Does this total include the tip? =この合計はチップ込みですか? チップ、面倒臭いですよね。
  • Is tip included in the bill?

チップが「食事代」自体に含まれているというよりも合計金額に含まれているので bill と訳しました。 チップが含まれているかいないかはお勘定を見ると分かることが多いです。 食事の合計金額と別にgratuityという項目で金額が書かれていればそれがチップ代です。
  • Is the tip included?

  • Is the tip included in the bill?

  • Should I add the tip to the bill?

Tip - a sum of money given to someone as a reward for a service. A: Here is your bill. B: Is the tip included? A: Yes, it is. A: Should I add your tip to the bill? B: No, it is already included.
Tip(チップ) - サービスの報酬として誰かに渡すまとまったお金 A: Here is your bill (請求書です) B: Is the tip included? (チップは含まれていますか?) A: Yes, it is. (はい、含まれています) A: Should I add your tip to the bill? (請求書にチップを追加しましょうか?) B: No, it is already included. (いいえ、チップはすでに含まれています)
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • Should we leave a tip? or is it already been added to the bill??

  • Have you added a service charge ? or should I leave a tip?

Tipping is NOT a japanese tradition! Its a western/American concept that many find confusing or even disconcerting! After all why should you pay someone for doing their job!? The restaurant has hired them and should already pay them a living wage!. It is however an EXPECTED addition to your eating costs in many parts of the world... and as such needs to be considered.
チップをあげるのは日本の伝統ではありません! これは混乱を生むことの多い西洋/アメリカの風習です。 結局のところ、なぜ仕事をしたからといってお金を払うべきなのでしょう?レストランは彼らを雇っているので、すでに生活費は彼らに払っていなければおかしいです。 ですが、チップというのは世界の大部分において期待されてしまう追加料金です。ですので考慮する必要がある場合もあります。
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • Is the tip included in the total bill?

  • Does this bill include the tip?

Most restaurants require you to pay a certain percentage of tip based on the number of people eating. Usually the tip is between 10-12%. If you're not sure whether the tip is already included in the bill you can ask the waiter like, "Is the tip included in the total bill?" and if it is you don't have to give another tip. If it's not included then you would have to calculate how much you need to give and add it to the bill.
多くのレストランでは、食事をした人数に基づいて一定のチップを支払うよう求めています。 通常、チップは 10-12%の間になります。 チップがお会計に含まれているかどうか確認したい場合はウェイターに "Is the tip included in the total bill?" (このお会計にチップは含まれていますか?) の様に尋ねることが出来ます。 そうすると、あなたは余計なチップを払う必要はありませんよね。 もし、含まれていない場合は計算して必要なだけお会計に付け足すといいですね。
Aba DMM英会話講師
  • Is the total inclusive of the tip?

  • Did you include gratuity in the bill?

*Is the total inclusive of the tip?-A tip is an amount of money a customer gives to a person who was rendering a service to him/her. Inclusive means included. A tip shows that you appreciated the service. *Did you include gratuity in the bill?-Gratuity is a tip. Some restaurants automatically add gratuity when serving a table with a certain number of people. The gratuity will be a flat rate or percentage. Example Sentences: 10% gratuity to a table of 5 or more. Please be advised that the restaurant charges 12% gratuity to a table of 6 or more people. Thank you.
例文 *Is the total inclusive of the tip? 支払総額にチップは含まれていますか? チップは、サービスをしてくれた人に払うお金です。Inclusive は含まれているということです。チップは、サービスに感謝していることを表しています。 例文 *Did you include gratuity in the bill? 勘定にチップは含まれていますか? Gratuityはチップです。レストランによっては特定の人数のテーブルにサービスをする時、自動的にチップが加算されます。チップは一定額又は割合の場合もあります。 例文 10% gratuity to a table of 5 or more. 5人以上の席は10%のチップです Please be advised that the restaurant charges 12% gratuity to a table of 6 or more people. Thank you. 当レストランは、6人以上のテーブルには12%のチップを請求させて頂いていることをご承知おき下さい
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Excuse me, might I ask if the tip is included in the bill?

This is a very polite sentence and a polite way to ask how the payment of your meal/service that has been provided is constructed. We say "excuse me" when we want someone's attention. You could add this of you, for example, would like to place an order at the restaurant and want the waiter's attention. You also you the phrase "might I ask". This means that you are asking permission for the information to be disclosed to you. We use the word "included" as a way to say "part of". So, with this sentence, you are thus just asking in a polite and formal way if you should pay extra for the tip. Thank you for your question, hope this helps!
Janke DMM英会話講師
  • Is the tip included with the meal?

  • Does this total include the tip also?

In some countries, it is customary to leave tips if you eat at a restaurant. In the USA and Canada it is always expected, so if you don't leave a tip you may be questioned why. However, in most of Europe it is not customary, but if you want to leave a tip, it is appreciated.
Patrick I DMM英会話講師
  • Does this include the tip?

  • Has the tip been included in the bill?

  • Is there an included tip on the bill?

All of these questions ask if the tip is included. There are several different ways to find out if the establishment includes tips in the final bill. Some restaurants include the tips depending on how many people are at the table. While others leave that to the customer to decide how much to tip.
Tiffany M DMM英会話講師
  • Is the tip included in the bill?

Using this question is a simple way to ask whether the tip is included in the bill. Here is an example of a dialogue: hey, is the tip included in the bill? No the tipping here is separate, please feel free to tip in the jar. Okay, thanks for that!
Logan M DMM英会話講師
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