I took the bullet train from 〇〇 to 〇〇 last Sunday.
I took the bullet train from 〇〇 to 〇〇 last Sunday.
take a train 電車・列車に乗る
ride a train 電車・列車に乗る
Sleeper または、sleeping car 寝台車
Blue train in Japan 日本の寝台車
rapid train 快速電車
express train急行列車
local train 各駅に止まる普通列車
I rode the bullet train (shinkansen) from XX to XX last Sunday.
- I rode the bullet train from 〇〇 to 〇〇 last Sunday. (-o-)b
bullet train は shinkansen でも大丈夫です。
take も使えます。
- I took the shinkansen from 〇〇 to 〇〇 last Sunday.
on も使えます。
- Last Sunday, I went from 〇〇 to 〇〇 on the shinkansen.
I took/rode the bullet train from 〇〇 to 〇〇 last Sunday.
新幹線に乗って〜から〜まで行った、と言う場合は、take と ride どちらも使って言うことができます。
ーI took/rode the bullet train from 〇〇 to 〇〇 last Sunday.
ーI was so tired when I got on the bullet train in Tokyo, I fell asleep and missed my stop.
to get on the bullet train で「新幹線に乗る」