You can pay whatever you can with cash, and pay the rest with your credit card.
You can pay however much you like with cash, and put the rest on your credit card.
ーYou can pay whatever you can with cash, and pay the rest with your credit card.
to pay the rest with one's credit card で「残りをクレジットカードで払う」と言えます。
ーYou can pay however much you like with cash, and put the rest on your credit card.
to put the rest on your credit card「残りをクレジットカードにつける」という言い方もできます。
You could pay the rest of the amount by credit card if you like. Would you like to use cash for this payment?
"You could pay the rest of the amount by credit card if you like."=「残りをクレジットカードでお支払いすることも出来ますよ。」
("if you like"の代わりに、"if that's more convenient for you"=「もしあなたにとってそれがもっと便利であれば」というフレーズも使えます。)
"Would you like to use cash for this payment?"=「この購入で現金を使われますか?」