Teachers working at a public school are made to work with a fixed salary like slaves.
These teachers don't receive money for over-time work.
Instead, they receive 4% of their monthly salary to compensate for the over-time work.
"Teachers working at a public school are made to work with a fixed salary like slaves."=「公立学校で働いている教員は定額の収入で奴隷のように働かされている。」
"These teachers don't receive money for over-time work."=「この教員たちは残業の報酬はもらえない。」
"Public school teachers are like slaves being made to work overtime with no pay."
"Public school teachers are like slaves being made to work overtime with no pay."
"public school teachers" 「公立学校の教員は」
"are like slaves" 「奴隷みたい」
"being made to work" 「働かせ」
"overtime" 「残業」
"with no pay" 「無給で」"on a fixed salary" 「定額」も言えます。