I spend 80% of my time as a housewife and the other 20% doing my job.
I spend 80% of my day taking care of my home and family and 20% working as a freelance writer.
ーI spend 80% of my time as a housewife and the other 20% doing my job.
a housewife「主婦」
to do my job「私の仕事をする」
ーI spend 80% of my day taking care of my home and family and 20% working as a freelance writer.
to take care of ...「…の世話をする」
to work as a freelance XX「フリーXXとして働く」
I would say that I devote 80% of my time to being a housewife, and 20% for my freelance work.
"I would say that I devote 80% of my time to being a housewife,"=「自分の時間の8割は、主婦として使っていると言えます、」
"and 20% for my freelance work."=「そして、2割はフリーランスの仕事に。」
(又は、"and the rest for my freelance work."=「そして残りはフリーランスの仕事に」とも言えます。)