"I'll put it on top of the rice in my bento and make a hinomaru bento"
"Drying salted plums" 「塩漬けにした梅を干します」
"Dried plums soaked in sugar, salt and vinegar"「砂糖塩酢に漬け込んだ梅を干します」
"I'll put it on top of the rice in my bento and make a hinomaru bento"「お弁当のご飯の上にのせて、日の丸弁当にします」
"It's ripe from the tree, and it smells so good while it's brewing."「これは木成り完熟で、仕込みの最中はとてもいい香りに包まれて幸せです」
"The red colour is the colour of red shiso, a natural pigment."「赤い色は赤紫蘇のお色で天然色素です」