I wonder what they call those type of bandages you get after you have a needle.
I wonder what the name of the bandages are that they put on your arm after you have an injection.
ーI wonder what they call those type of bandages you get after you have a needle.
I wonder what they call ... で「…はなんて言うんだろう」
ーI wonder what the name of the bandages are that they put on your arm after you have an injection.
I wonder what the name of ... is/are で「…はなんて名前だろう」
「あれはなんていう名前なんだろう」は英語で「I wonder what that thing's called.」と言います。小さな絆創膏みたいなものは調べたら「injection bandage」や「injection plaster」というらしいです。
I wonder what those small bandage-like things they put on you after getting a shot at the clinic are called.