世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2018/05/16 20:03
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  • We don't like him because he is too hard on us.

こんな言い回しはいかがでしょうか。 We don't like him because he is too hard on us. 「彼は私たちに厳しすぎるので、私たちは彼のことを好きではありません」 ※be hard on~「~に厳しい」 生徒の立場であればこのような言い方ができます。 「人気がない」は「好かれていない」ということで、don't likeと言ってしまえばシンプルで簡単ですね。 第三者的な立場であれば、 Students don't like him because he is too hard on them. 「彼は生徒たちに厳しすぎるから、彼らは彼のことを好きではありません」 と言うといいです。 ご参考になれば幸いです。
  • No one likes him/her because he's too strict.

  • He/she isn't very popular because he's too strict.

You can say either 'no one likes them' or 'they aren't very popular', the latter is a bit nicer as you aren't saying EVERYONE doesn't like the teacher but they do basically mean the same thing. When we say someone is too strict, it would imply that student can't get away with anything in class.
「no one likes them」または「they aren't very popular」と言えます。「誰も好きでない」と言っている前者よりは後者のほうが少し柔らかいです。ただ、基本的にはどちらも同じ意味です。 先生について「too strict」というと、授業中少しの間違いも見逃してくれない、といった意味合いになります。
Alex CB DMM英会話講師
  • They are not well liked because they are so strict.

  • She/He is strict so no one likes her/him.

You can change the pronouns to suit your situation (He/ she/ they - him/her/them). "They are not well liked because they are so strict." This example is saying no one likes them, they are not popular, because they are strict. "She/He is strict so no one likes her/him." this example is direct and to the point, "He is too hard on us, he is not liked."
例文内の代名詞は状況に合わせて適宜変更して下さい。 He (彼)/ she (彼女)/ they (彼ら) - him (彼の)/ her (彼女の / them (彼らの) "They are not well liked because they are so strict." (彼らは凄く厳しいから、全然好かれない) ↑彼らが厳しいので、誰も好きではない、人気がない、と伝えています。 "She/He is strict so no one likes her/him." (彼女/彼は厳しいので誰も彼女/彼のことを好きではない) この例文は直接的でポイントを押さえています。 "He is too hard on us, he is not liked." (厳しすぎるから、好かれてない)
Stacey Le DMM英会話講師
  • The teacher is strict and not well-liked

  • We dislike our teacher because he/she rules with a rod of iron

if someone rules with a rod of iron, or 'an iron hand' then they rule or control others very strictly. Margaret Thatcher, a previous UK Prime Minister was known as 'The Iron Lady'. EX. "The PE teacher controls his class with an iron hand."
「rod of iron」「iron hand」は、厳しく指導することを表します。 元イギリスの首相「Margaret Thatcher(マーガレット サッチャー)」は「The Iron Lady(鉄の女)」として知られました。 例文:"The PE teacher controls his class with an iron hand. (その体育の教師は指導がすごく厳しい) PE = Physical Education (体育)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • The teacher is known to be very strict and not popular among the students.

  • The teacher takes a harsh approach with students and as a result has become quite unpopular .

  • The students don't like him/her because he/she is so strict.

To express that a teacher is very strict and not liked by the students you may also say that they are unpopular with the students or that the students don't like/ dislike that particular teacher. unpopular-Not liked One may also say the teacher is too harsh and as a result unpopular among the students. harsh-severe or unpleasantly rough.
先生がとても厳しく生徒からあまり好かれていないことを表すには"They are unpopular with the students.” (彼らは生徒に不人気です) または “The students don’t like/dislike that particular teacher” (生徒たちはその特定の先生のことが好きではないです/嫌いです) と言うこともできます。 “Unpopular” - 好かれていない “The teacher is too harsh and as a result unpopular among the students.” (その先生は厳しすぎるため、結果的に生徒に不人気です) と言う人もいるかもしれません。 “Harsh” - 厳しいまたは不愉快なほど荒い
Mary Lee DMM英会話講師
  • The teacher is not very liked because he is very strict.

When a teacher requires students to follow the rules, we refer to them as strict. Most students do not like teachers that are strict, so when we describe the teacher, we refer to them as strict and not very well liked.
先生が生徒にルールを守るよう求めることを私たちは厳しいと言います。 ほとんどの生徒は厳しい先生を好みません。したがって私たちはそのような先生を厳しくあまり好かれていないと言い表します。
Bogy DMM英語講師
  • No-one likes that teacher as they are too strict.

  • That teachers is too hard on us and no-one enjoys their class.

Strict is a word that describes somebody who is very severe and strongly enforces rules. It could be used in this instance to describe your teacher. You may also say that your teacher is "too hard on us" which means that they discipline the students too much.
"Strict"はとても厳しく、ルールを厳格に守らせる人を表す言葉です。この場合はあなたの先生を表すために使うことができます。 "My teacher is too hard on us"と言うこともできます。これはその先生が生徒に規律を教え込みすぎるという意味です。
Lou A DMM英会話講師
  • The teacher is too strict and not very popular.

  • The teacher is too strict and not very liked.

  • The teacher isn't very popular because they're too strict.

We can say that the teacher is too strict and, "not very popular," or we can also say that they are, "not very liked," by their students. We can also flip the construction of the sentence and say, "the teacher isn't very popular because they're too strict."
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • That teacher is strict and unpopular.

おっしゃられている内容は、そのまま直訳すると、以下のようになります(*^_^*) That teacher is strict and unpopular. 「あの先生は厳しくて人気がない」 以上ですm(_)m 少しでも参考になれば幸いです(#^^#) お困りの時は、いつでも気軽にご質問ください(^0^)/ ★★どうぞよろしくお願いもうしあげます★★ see you soon♪
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