世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




自分はまだ見ていない映画やドラマの続きを 「あれさ~」とストーリーを言われそうになったときに 「ちょっと、ネタバレしないでよね!」 に使えるフレーズを教えてください。
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2016/09/28 14:29
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  • Don't tell me what happens!

  • No spoilers!

こんにちは。 1、Don't tell me what happens! どうなるか教えないで! シンプルに「何が[起こる](のか教えないで!」と言えます。 例: A: I loved how in the last episode... 私が好きだったのは[最終話](で… B: Wait! Don't tell me what happens! I haven't seen it yet. 待って!ネタバレしないで!まだ見てないの。 2、No spoilers! ネタバレなし! Spoiler という表現もとてもよく使われます。「ネタバレ」という意味です。例えば映画のレビューとかで Spoiler Alert!(ネタバレ注意)と書いてあったりします。 例: A: Have you seen "Kiminonawa"? It was so good! 「君の名は。」みた?すごくよかったよ! B: No spoilers! I'm going to watch it tonight. ネタバレなしね!今夜見るの。 ぜひ参考にしてください。
Erik 日英翻訳者
  • No spoilers please!

  • Don't tell me the details!

[ネタバレ](はspoiler(s)と言います。 No spoilers please!=[お願い](だからネタバレしないで! と言う意味です。 率直にdon't tell me what happens!やdon't tell me the details!でもいいと思います。 例 I haven't watched it so no spoilers please! 未だ観てないからお願いだからネタバレしないで! I haven't watched it so don't tell me the details! 未だ観てないから詳細は教えないで!
  • spoiler, ruin, spoil

  • don't spoil it for me

example "Don't give away any spoilers!" or "Please don't ruin the ending!" or "Don't spoil the movie for me, don't tell me any spoilers"
 "Don't give away any spoilers!" ネタバレしないでね!  "Please don't ruin the ending!"  結末をばらさないでね! "Don't spoil the movie for me, don't tell me any spoilers" ネタバレしないでね!
Homa DMM英会話講師
  • Do not spoil it for me.

  • Do not be a party pooper,please.

1)Do not spoil it for me.- This means you do not want them to tell you anything because it will spoil the experience for you. 2)Do not be a party pooper,please.- If someone is a party pooper it means that they like to spoil the fun for other people.
1)Do not spoil it for me. -これは、自分で経験したいからこそ、何も教えて欲しくないという時に使います。 2)Do not be a party pooper,please. - もし誰かがparty pooperだという場合、それは、誰かの楽しみをなくす人、という意味になります。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Please don't tell me what happens!

  • I don't want to know how it turns out!

To turn out = transpire, prove to be the case, emerge, come to light, become known. "The job turned out to be beyond his rather limited abilities." "What happened to Sue's husband?" "He married a gypsy girl and they live in a caravan in a field in Ireland." "Oh!"
To turn out =出現する、光に来る、知られるようになる。 "The job turned out to be beyond his rather limited abilities." 彼のキャパを超えた仕事だとわかった。 "What happened to Sue's husband?"スーの夫はどうなったんだい? "He married a gypsy girl and they live in a caravan in a field in Ireland." エジプトの女の子と結婚してアイルランドのキャラバンに住んでいるよ。 "Oh!"
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • No Spoilers Please!

  • He told me the complete plot of the movie ..."what a spoiler that was"

We can be keen to know something about a new movie as long as the info given...contains "NO SPOILERS" eg (famously)... "the butler did it!". Whnever we don't want to have any data that might ruin the movie for us... We must inists on: "No Spoilers Please!"
新しい映画についての情報が "NO SPOILERS" (ネタばれ無し)な限り、私達はその映画を楽しみにしていられます。有名な例として、"the butler did it!" などがありますね。 映画の楽しみをなくしてしまうようなネタバレを避けたい場合は、次のように主張してください。"No Spoilers Please!" (ネタバレなしでお願いします。)
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • Hey guys, could you spare me the spoilers!

  • Please do not spoil the movie for me. I haven't seen it yet!

  • Give me a spoiler alert before you say anything!

You can always ask your friends to give you a spoiler alert if they are discussing a movie you haven't seen. In the last suggestion, I used the term "spoiler alert", which is used as a courtesy when the plot of a movie is being discussed. It lets a reader or listener know that things may be said that could spoil the movie.
あなたが見ていない映画について議論しているのであれば、友達にネタバレするときは確認をするように頼むことができます。 ネタバレ注意は'spoiler alert'と言います。この言葉は、映画のプロットについて話しているときに、礼儀として使われる言葉です。 読者や聴衆が、映画についてネタバレがあるかもしれないということを知らせるものです。
Stephanie H DMM英会話講師
  • "Please do not say anything else about the movie, I dont want any spoilers"

  • "Skip the details, I do not want it to be spoiled for me"

If you and your friends are talking about a movie that you have not seen yet and you want them to not spoil anything, you could say either of the following: "Please do not say anything else about the movie, I dont want any spoilers" or "Skip the details, I do not want it to be spoiled for me".
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • Don't spoil it!

  • to spoil (v)

  • spoiler (n)

When friends are talking about a movie/TV show/story/etc that you have not seen/heard, you can use the verb 'to spoil' or the noun 'spoiler.' to spoil (v) We use the verb 'to spoil' in situations like this. You are literally saying that the information is destroying or lowering the quality of your future experience with the movie/TV show/story/etc EX) Don't spoil the movie! I haven't seen it yet! spoiler (n) A spoiler is a noun that comes from the verb 'to spoil.' A spoiler is a piece of information that gives away a key information about the story. EX) AHHHHH that was a spoiler! Now I know what happens at the end of the movie!
Quinn R DMM英会話講師
  • Please don't spoil the ending for me, I haven't seen it!

  • Don't give me any spoilers!

When we want to see a movie, we want to find out what happens ourself when we watch the movie. We don't want anybody to spoil the movie for us so we must tell our friends when they start talking about it to not say anything that will reveal important information about the movie's plot. To "spoil" something means to ruin or prevent someone from enjoying something. In this case, we don't want the ending to be ruined. A "spoiler" is a person or a thing that reveals something that you don't want to know. Wikipedia can be a spoiler. I have often read Wikipedia and found out the winner of a show I like more than once!
Patrick I DMM英会話講師
  • Don't spoil it!

  • Don't tell me anything, I want it to be a surprise!

  • I don't want to know what happens, don't tell me anything!

Spoiling a movie: Revealing the details of a movie to someone who hasn't seen the movie yet. Examples: She told me what happens in the end of the movie, she totally spoiled it for me! I didn't realize he hadn't watched the movie yet, I accidentally spoiled it for him.
Logan M DMM英会話講師
  • No spoilers, please.

  • Don't tell me anything about the story.

  • Don't tell me what happens at the end.

おっしゃられている内容は、他のアンカーの方も回答してらっしゃるように、以下のようにも表現できると思いました(*^_^*) No spoilers, please. 「ネタバレしないで」 Don't tell me anything about the story. 「ストーリーについては何も言わないで」 Don't tell me what happens at the end. 「最後に何が起きるのかは言わないで」 以上です。 少しでも参考になれば幸いです(*^_^*) ★★大阪カフェレッスン英会話講師KOGACHI
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