食品工場などで“チョイ置き”とは、治具や工具を定められた場所に戻さず、その辺に置いておくこと。It becomes a cluttered workplace full of “Cyoioki (leave something for a while/put jigs and tools for a short time/leave jigs or tools temporarily)”.
If you don't put away the things in their proper place, the workplace will become a chaotic place.
If people leave things around with the intention of putting them away later, the workplace will become cluttered.
① "If you don't put away the things in their proper place,"=「物を決まった場所にしまわないと」
"the workplace will become a chaotic place."=「職場は混乱した場所になってしまう。」
② "If people leave things around with the intention of putting them away later,"=「もし人々が物を後で片付けるつもりで置いたままにすると、」
"the workplace will become cluttered."=「職場は雑然となってしまう。」