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2016/09/28 17:45
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  • I can't go home because my flight was cancelled due to a typhoon.

こんにちは。 I can't go home because my flight was cancelled due to a typhoon. 台風で飛行機が欠航になったため、帰れません。 「飛行機が飛ばない」は cancelled という言葉を使えます。due to は「〜のため」「〜のせいで」という意味の表現です。 また、go homeの代わりにreturn homeを使うことも可能です。 I can't return home because the typhoon grounded my flight. 台風で飛行機が運航停止になったので、帰ることができません。 ぜひ参考にしてください。
Erik 日英翻訳者
  • I can't go home because my flight has been cancelled due to a typhoon

I can't go home because my flight has been cancelled due to a typhoon=台風のせいでフライトがキャンセルされたから帰れないよ キャンセル=cancel 台風=typhoon, storm ここは「the flight」と言ってしまいそうですが、自分の乗る、又は乗るはずだったフライトの事は「my flight」と言います。 延期の場合はDelayedと言いましょう。
  • The typhoon disrupted my planned homecoming! I'm trying to arrange an alternative flight.

Disruption (noun), to disrupt = disturbance or problems which interrupt an event, activity, or process. "The scheme was planned to minimize disruption." If this happens it may be a terrible inconvenience to someone and their family and if the typhoon is not moving away quickly, it will be difficult to predict when you may be able to get home. "The typhoon disrupted my planned homecoming! I'm trying to arrange an alternative flight." "OK, thanks for letting me know. I'll see you when I see you!"
Disruption (名詞)、中観、混乱、外乱、またはイベント、活動、プロセスを中断する問題。 "The scheme was planned to minimize disruption." 「このスキームは混乱を最小限に抑えるよう計画されていた。」 これが起きれば、誰かやその家族にとって恐ろしく不便ですよね、もし台風が急に遠ざかっていかなければいつ家に帰れるか予想がつかないでしょうね。 「台風で私の帰郷はいったん中断です!私は代替の飛行機を手配しています。」 「OK、知らせてくれてありがとう、また会えるとき会おう!」
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Because of the typhoon, my flight was canceled and I a stuck here.

  • My flight was canceled because of the typhoon so, now I can't get home.

To explain that you are unable to get home because of a canceled flight and a typhoon, you can explain it like this, "Because of the typhoon, my flight was canceled and I am stuck here."
台風でフライトがキャンセルされ家に帰ることができないことを伝えるときのフレーズです。 "Because of the typhoon, my flight was canceled and I am stuck here." 台風のせいで、フライトがキャンセルされて、動けない。
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • The flight has been canceled due to a typhoon and now I can't go home.

>The flight has been canceled due to a typhoon and now I can't go home. *This is saying that the flight is canceled because of a storm and you will not be able to go home. ............................................... Other sentences a. Due to the storm, the flight has been canceled and I can't go home. #####.................**********..........
The flight has been canceled due to a typhoon and now I can't go home. 台風のせいでフライトがキャンセルにななり、家に帰れないということを意味する表現です。 他に以下のように言うことができます。 a. Due to the storm, the flight has been canceled and I can't go home.
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • My flight was cancelled due to the typhoon so I cant go home.

My flight was cancelled due to the typhoon so I cant go home. - This means that the reason you can't go it is because of the typhoon.
My flight was cancelled due to the typhoon so I cant go home. これは、台風の影響でフライトがキャンセルしたので家へ帰れません、と言う意味になります。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • My flight has been cancelled due to bad weather conditions

  • I'm not going to be home because my flight has been cancelled

  • Because of the typhoon I am not going to get home, flights are being cancelled

Flights are often cancelled due to poor weather conditions. If you want to be specific you can mention that there is a typhoon, high winds, downpour of rain, poor visibility etc. Otherwise, one is unable to arrive at there destination due to cancelled flights due to bad weather. One can say "I am unable to arrive at my destination" or " I can't get home for my scheduled time." If one wants to be specific, one can say what/where their destination is and the exact weather condition, or "I will not be able to arrive at my destination due to poor weather conditions" is general, not specific and true.
フライトが悪天候によってキャンセルされることはよくあります。悪天候について具体的に言いたい時は: typhoon(台風) high winds(高波) downpour(土砂降り) poor visibility(視界不良) などが使えます。 または、悪天候によってフライトがキャンセルされて、目的地に行けないと言えます。 "I am unable to arrive at my destination"(目的地に着くことが出来ません) または "I can't get home for my scheduled time."(予定した時間に帰宅出来ません) が使えます。 具体的に言いたければ、目的地がどこか、また正確な天候について説明できます。または: "I will not be able to arrive at my destination due to poor weather conditions" (悪天候で目的地に着くことができません) これは漠然とした言い方で具体的ではありませんが、素直に伝えています。
Elisabeth L DMM英会話講師
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