「過疎地域でのタクシー運転手不足を解決するために、[政府](https://eikaiwa.dmm.com/uknow/questions/52472/)が運転種の上限年齢を75歳から80歳に引き上げた」は英語で「In an attempt to solve the shortage of taxi drivers in depopulated area, the government raised the driver maximum age limit from 75 to 80 years old.」と言えます。
「政府が法律を改正し、婚姻可能年齢が18歳から16歳に引き下げられた」と英訳すると、「The government revised the law which lowered the legal marriage age from 18 to 16.」になります。
"upped" / "increased" 「引き上げる」
"To solve the shortage of cab drivers in underpopulated areas, the government has upped the maximum age limit for the driving category from 75 to 80."
"dropping" / "decreasing" 「引き下げる」
"The government amended the law, dropping the marriageable age from 18 to 16."