Is it possible to have a chocolate topping instead?
Well, there are two ways to ask about this.
Firstly, you could just ask if there are any alternative toppings available as standard for this cake.
Secondly, as with all things in life, it is always better to be specific and firm in declaring your preferences, so if you have a particular favourite topping then you may ask, for example,
"Is it possible to have a chocolate topping instead?"
Is it possible to have a chocolate topping instead?
Would there be any way of changing the toppings on this cake?
Is it possible to change the toppings on this cake?
Would you be able to change the toppings on this cake?
"Would there be any way", "Is it possible" and "Would you be able to" are all standard ways of starting a request. They all ask a for something that you are not sure is possible. In this case, you want to change to toppings on the cake.
"Would there be any way" "Is it possible" "Would you be able to" これらは全て、人にお願いをするときの標準的な言い方です、可能かどうか分からないことについてお願いします。ここでは、ケーキのトッピングを変えたいわけですね。
These questions go in order of politeness. I would say the politest way to ask this is "Is it possible to change the toppings?". 'Toppings' when referring to a cake simply means the icing or decorations on top of the cake. You also may want to specify which cake you mean, by adding onto the end "on the chocolate cake" or "on this cake" (and point to the one you mean)!
この質問の最も丁寧な言い方は "Is it possible to change the toppings?"(トッピングを変えることは可能ですか)だと思います。
'Toppings' はケーキについて言うと、シンプルに、ケーキの上の「アイシング」や「デコレーション」を指します。
あるいは、最後に "on the chocolate cake"(チョコレートケーキの上に)や "on this cake"(〈ケーキを指さして〉このケーキの上に)を加えて、何のケーキについて言っているのか特定することもできます。
I would like to order this cake with a different frosting please.
Excuse me, can I order this cake with a different frosting?
Can I get this cake with a different icing?
I would like to order this cake with a different frosting please.
Excuse me, can I order this cake with a different frosting?
Does this cake come in other flavors of frosting?
I would like to order this cake but I want a different frosting.
"Frosting" and "icing" are types of toppings on a cake that is more commonly used than "topping". They are also used interchangeably so you can use either one.
Can I get this cake with a different icing?
I would like to order this cake with a different frosting please.
Excuse me, can I order this cake with a different frosting?
Does this cake come in other flavors of frosting?
I would like to order this cake but I want a different frosting.
"Frosting" と "Icing" はケーキのトッピングの種類で、"Topping" よりもよく使われます。"Frosting" と "Icing" は同じ意味で、置き換えて使えます。
Can I change the chocolate for strawberries please?
Is it possible to have a different topping?
I would like strawberries instead of chocolate. Is that possible?
Can I have strawberries instead of the chocolate?
Can I change the topping on this cake?
All of these can be used when asking if you can have something instead of something else. Being specific is better. For example: Can I change the chocolate for strawberries please?
I would like strawberries instead of chocolate. Is that possible? (チョコレートの代わりにイチゴにしてもらうことはできますか)
Can I have strawberries instead of the chocolate?(チョコレートの代わりにイチゴにしていただけますか)
Can I change the topping on this cake?(このケーキのトッピングを変えてもらうことはできますか)
Can I change the chocolate for strawberries please?(チョコレートをストロベリーにしていただけますか)
If you want to ask if they can change the toppings at a cake shop, you could say:
"Could you change the toppings on this cake?"
"Do you allow the changing of toppings?"
"Could you change the toppings on this cake?"(このケーキのトッピングを変えてもらえますか)
"Do you allow the changing of toppings?"(トッピングは変えられますか)