I had to save up a lot of money before getting married.
・「I had to save up a lot of money before getting married. 」
<例文>I had to save up a lot of money before getting married because having a wedding ceremony can cost a lot of money.
<訳> 結婚式はとてもお金がかかるので結婚するまでにたくさんのお金を貯めないといけない。
I feel like I need to save lots of money before I get married.
I'd like to have lots of savings before I tie the knot.
ーI feel like I need to save lots of money before I get married.
to save lots of money で「たくさんのお金を貯める」
to get married で「結婚する」
ーI'd like to have lots of savings before I tie the knot.
to have lots of savings で「貯金がたくさんある」
to tie the knot で「結婚する」