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2017/04/27 17:35
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  • I wasted a lot of money this month.

wasteは「無駄にする」という意味で使われます。 waste money/time on 〜:〜に時間またはお金を浪費する waste money/time by 〜ing:〜することに時間またはお金を浪費する much moneyは「たくさんのお金」という意味です。 ご参考になれば幸いです。
  • I overspent last month

  • Im on a tight budget

  • I'm watching the pennies this month

overspent is a useful word to describe spending too much money or more than you expected. Watching the pennies is a commonly used phrase which means you are keeping track of how much you are spending and are being very careful about how much you spend. Tight budget. This phrase is used in business and everyday life and it means you have a set amount of money to spend and nothing for extras. I overspent last month so I'm watching the pennies this month I overspent last month so I'm on a tight budget this month
overspent'は、お金を使いすぎたことを表すのに便利な言葉です。 'watching the pennies'はよく使われるフレーズで、「お金を節約している」という意味です。 'tight budget'(厳しい予算)は、ビジネスでも日常会話でも使われます。使える金額が決まっていて、それ以外のお金はないという意味です。 I overspent last month so I'm watching the pennies this month 先月お金を使いすぎたから、今月は節約しています。 I overspent last month so I'm on a tight budget this month 先月お金を使いすぎたから、今月は予算がきつい。
Caryn DMM英会話講師
  • I spent too much money this month.

  • I'm broke this month.

直訳的には次のような表現も可能です。 I spent too much money this month. 「今月使いすぎてしまった」 ※spend「費やす」 また、次のような「金欠」を表す定番表現もあります。 I'm broke this month. 「今月は金欠だよ」 ※be broke「金欠」 ご参考になれば幸いです。
  • I've nearly blown all my cash this month

  • I've wasted a lot of money this month

  • I'm nearly broke this month

If you have spent a lot of money at the beginning of the month, you could say you have nearly blown all your cash for this month. Or, you could just simply say that you have wasted a lot of money. If your money is tight for the rest of the month you could say "I have spent so much as the beginning of the month that I will be broke until payday comes again"
月初にお金をたくさん使ったのであれば、"I have nearly blown all my cash this month."(今月、破産しそうになった。)と表現出来ます。 また、"I've wasted a lot of money this month." (今月無駄遣いしてしまった。)と表現することも出来ます。 月初にお金を使い過ぎたため、金欠状態になってしまった場合、"I have spent so much at the beginning of the month that I will be broke until payday comes again."(今月は月初にお金を使い過ぎて、次のお給料まで金欠だ。)と表現出来ます。
Suzi DMM英語講師
  • I spent too much money this month. Now I'm low on cash.

  • I incurred more expenses than I intended to this month, so I'm low on cash.

  • I wasted so much money this month. Now I'm low on cash.

When you want to explain that you spent too much money this month and now low on cash, then you may explain it in the following ways: -I spent too much money this month. Now I'm low on cash. -I incurred more expenses than I intended to this month, so I'm low on cash. -I wasted so much money this month. Now I'm low on cash.
今月はお金を使いすぎて金欠だと言いたいときは、以下の文が使えます: 【例文】 -I spent too much money this month. Now I'm low on cash. [訳]今月はお金を使いすぎました。金欠です -I incurred more expenses than I intended to this month, so I'm low on cash. [訳]今月は予定よりお金を使いすぎて、金欠です -I wasted so much money this month. Now I'm low on cash. [訳]今月はお金を無駄遣いして、金欠です
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • I'm broke.

  • I'm poor.

  • I broke the bank last month.

"I'm broke" is a very simple way to say you don't have money to spend on things. "I'm poor." is a phrase you'd use with friends as a joke. Even though you're not completely poor it means that you spent too much money before so now you don't have any currently. It's very common for American college students to say, trying to be humorous about an unfortunate situation. "I broke the bank last month." this is a very informal way to say you don't have a lot of money. "break the bank" is slang for "spend a lot of money" and can be used among friends but usually not with professionals or elders.
"I'm broke"(金欠だ)は、使えるお金がないことを表すシンプルな言い方です。 "I'm poor"(貧乏だ)は友達に対してジョークとして使えるフレーズです。本当に貧乏という意味ではなくて、お金を使いすぎてしまって、今お金がないことを表します。アメリカの大学生が冗談としてよく使います。 "I broke the bank last month"(先月破産した)これは、お金があまりないことを表すとてもインフォーマルな言い方です。"break the bank"は、お金をたくさん使うという意味のスラングで、友達に対して使えます。職場や年上の人に対しては普通使いません。
Elanor DMM英会話講師
  • I spent way too much money this month.

  • I am really low on money because I spent too much this month.

  • This month I spent too much money.

To express that you have spent a lot of money during the month you can say "I spent way too much money this month." The phrase "way to much.." shows that it was a large or excessive amount.
特定の月にお金をたくさん使ったことを表すとき、"I spent way too much this month."(今月はお金使い過ぎた。)と表現します。”Way too much"というフレーズは「過剰な量」を意味します。
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • I wasted too much money this month.

おっしゃられている内容は、以下のようにも表現できると思いましたm(__) I wasted too much money this month. 「私はあまりにも多くのお金を無駄にした」 waste「無駄にする」 以上です。 少しでも参考になれば幸いです(*^_^*)
  • I spent too much money this month.

  • I wasted a lot of money this month.

In these two examples we can either use the general verb, "to spend," to talk about how much money, "we spent," this month. Another great verb to talk about spending too much money would be with the verb, "to waste," as it describes that we maybe spent a lot of our money on things that we probably didn't really need.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
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