世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2015/12/04 23:43
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  • I like making sweets.

  • I enjoy making sweets.

教科書英語で「[趣味](はXXXです」は「My hobby is ~」だと思いますが、I like ~. I enjoy ~. という言い方も使えます。 「[お菓子](作り」は make sweets です。 I like ... = 私は〜が好き enjoy = 私は〜が楽しい
  • I like making sweets

  • I like making chocolates

  • I like making candy

「〜が[趣味](です」の直訳は「My hobby is ~」ですが、ネイティブが使うのは「I like ~ing」です。 なのでこの場合は I like making sweets, chocolates, candyです。 Sweetsは少しイギリスっぽい英語です。アメリカ人があまり使いません。 アメリカの英語だと、[お菓子](は種類によって英語の言い方が違います。 小さなチョコレートのお菓子だと、chocolatesです。 チョコレートという材料自体を作るのが好きだと、chocolateです。 チョコレートではなく砂糖がベースに小さなお菓子だとcandiesと言います。 その砂糖がベースの材料自体を作るのが好きだとcandyです。 ポイント:小さな形にすると、複数になります。
  • One of my favorite things to do is make sweets.

  • I really like to make sweets.

When introducing a hobby, you could say "one of my favorite things is~." You could also say that you "really like" to do something. If you wanted to talk a little more about your hobby, you could say: - One of my favorite things to do is make sweets. I especially enjoy baking (pies/cakes/cookies). You can use "make" with pies/cakes/cookies, but it sounds more natural to say "bake." All other sweets, especially candy, use the verb "make." ^^ - I really like to make sweets. My favorite thing to make is chocolate candy.
趣味を紹介するとき、one of my favorite things is ...が使えます。また、really likeでも良いでしょうね。自分の趣味についてもっと深く話したいときは、このように続けることができます。 - One of my favorite things to do is make sweets. I especially enjoy baking (pies/cakes/cookies). お菓子作りが趣味の一つです。特に焼くのが好きなんです。 ""make"" は pies/cakes/cookiesなドお菓子作りにも使えます。ただ、bakeの方が自然といえば自然です。キャンディーとかはmakeです。 例 - I really like to make sweets. My favorite thing to make is chocolate candy." お菓子作りが好きなんです。チョコレートキャンディが特に好きですね。
Trish エートゥーゼット英語学校 講師
  • My hobby is making sweets.

  • I make sweets in my free time.

Hobby - An activity that one enjoys doing in one's spare time. Example : I like making sweets as a hobby. I like to collect stamps from different countries as a hobby. -------------------------------------------------- Free time - Time spent away from business, work, job hunting, domestic chores, and education, as well as necessary activities such as eating and sleeping. Example : I make sweets in my free time. In her free time she read books on cooking.
Hobby - 暇な時間に楽しむ活動。 例 : I like making sweets as a hobby.(趣味でお菓子作りが好きです) I like to collect stamps from different countries as a hobby.(趣味としては、いろいろな国の切手を集めることが好きです) -------------------------------------------------- Free time - ビジネス、仕事、就職活動、家事、教育だけでなく食事や就寝などの必要な活動から離れた時間。 例 : I make sweets in my free time.(暇な時間にはお菓子を作ります) In her free time she read books on cooking.(彼女は暇な時、料理に関する本を読みます)
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • I have a rather unusual hobby which is, making sweets.

  • My favourite pastime is making sweets.

  • I enjoy making sweets in my free time.

Any of these explanations is adequate.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Making sweets is a hobby of mine

  • I love to make sweets

Hobby - an activity done regularly for pleasure _________________________________________________________________________ Examples Q: What are your hobbies? A: I like to exercise, sing and make sweets A: My name is Alex and I like to make sweets in my spare time
Hobby(趣味) - 楽しみのために定期的に行われる活動 _________________________________________________________________________ 例 Q: What are your hobbies?(趣味は何ですか?) A: I like to exercise, sing and make sweets(運動、歌を歌うこと、お菓子を作ることです) A: My name is Alex and I like to make sweets in my spare time(私の名前はアレックスで、趣味はお菓子作りです)
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • A) In my spare time i enjoy making sweets.

  • B) Making sweets is one of my favorite hobbies.

A) In my spare time i enjoy making sweets. *Spare time - Your spare time is the time during which you do not have to work and you can do whatever you like. Example - In her spare time she enjoys reading books. B) Making sweets is one of my favorite hobbies. *Favorite - most loved/ most liked/ preferred Example - I like apple pie but cheesecake is my favorite. Here is an example of how i would included it in my self introduction. " Hello my name is Ilke and i am all the way from South Africa. In my free time I enjoy making sweets and baking cupcakes......etc" I hope this helps :-)
A) In my spare time i enjoy making sweets. (時間のある時には、お菓子作りを楽しみます) *Spare time- spare timeは、働かなくてよく、好きなことをすることができる時間です。 例- In her spare time she enjoys reading books. (時間のある時には、彼女は読書を楽しみます) B) Making sweets is one of my favorite hobbies. (お菓子作りは私の好きな趣味の一つです) *Favorite - most loved/ most liked/ preferred (もっとも好きな) 例- I like apple pie but cheesecake is my favorite. (アップルパイが好きですが、チーズケーキが一番好きです) これは私の自己紹介に含めた例文です。 " Hello my name is Ilke and i am all the way from South Africa. In my free time i enjoy making sweets and baking cupcakes......etc" (こんにちは、私の名前はIlkeです。南アフリカから来ました。私の趣味は、お菓子作りとカップケーキを焼くことです) お役に立てば幸いです :-)
Ilke DMM英会話講師
  • Whenever I am free, I enjoy making sweets.

  • One of my pastimes is making sweets.

  • In my free time, my hobby is making sweets.

For some people, it is rare for them to find free time to do something else that does not involve work. Such people will normally go to bed after work because of tiredness. However there are a lot more people that do find free time to do some favorite things, such as playing the guitar, exercising, and, as in this case, making sweets. So, if you are one of those that do find free time to do something other than work related tasks, e.g. making sweets, you may say to your work colleagues: Whenever I am free, I enjoy making sweets. or One of my pastimes is making sweets. or In my free time, my hobby is making sweets.
仕事に関係しない何か他のことをする自由な時間をめったに見つけられない人もいます。そのような人は通常、疲れているので仕事の後は寝るでしょう。しかしギターを弾く、運動する、そしてこの例のようにお菓子を作るなど、好きなことをする自由な時間がある人はもっと多いでしょう。あなたが、仕事に関連する作業以外の何か(お菓子作りなど)をする自由な時間を見つけられる場合は、職場の同僚に次のように言うかもしれません。 Whenever I am free, I enjoy making sweets. または One of my pastimes is making sweets. または In my free time, my hobby is making sweets.
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • My hobby is making candy/sweets.

  • During my free time, I like to make candy/sweets.

If you would like to explain to someone that you like making candy during your free time during your self introduction, you can something like "My hobby is making candy/sweets." or "During my free time, I like to make candy/sweets.". These are polite and easy ways to explain this.
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • One of my passions is making sweets

  • I love to make sweets when I have free time to myself

We all have hobbies. Some are very common and shared by many people, while others can be a bit unusual and hard to understand for some people. A "passion" is almost the same as a hobby. It is something that you desire or are enthusiastic about. In this case, making sweets. "Free time to myself" is the time that you spend away from work or studying. This is the time we get to relax and do what we enjoy most.
Patrick I DMM英会話講師
  • In my free time, I make sweets

  • One of my hobbies is making candy.

  • I love to make sweets, I do this regularly as one of my hobbies

Candy is more of an american english slang, whereas sweets is more british english. Either is correct, it just depends on the individual what they would prefer to choose. Spare time/Hobby time is the same thing, and someone you are telling will know what you are talking about that this is in your leisure time to make something you love.
Lucy G DMM英会話講師
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