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趣味が絵本作りで、時々作った絵本をボランティアで小学校で読みます とどう言えばよいでしょうか
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2018/04/24 22:04
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  • I read books to children at Elementary Schools as a volunteer.

「ボランティアで小学校で本を読みます」は、 I read books to children at Elementary Schools as a volunteer. でどうでしょうか?^^ 「趣味が絵本作りで、時々作った絵本をボランティアで小学校で読みます」は、 One of my hobbies is making picture story books. I sometimes read my books to children at Elementary Schools as a volunteer. がいいと思います^^ 素敵な趣味ですね。私もやってみたいです^^
Adam and Michiko 英語講師/ESAC英語学習アドバイザー
  • Sometimes i volunteer at elementary schools and read books to the children

  • I read books to children in elementary school as a volunteer

In the UK we usually also call an 'elementary'school a 'primary school' which teaches children between 4-11 years old To volunteer means you offer to do something without getting paid for it
イギリスでは、普通 'elementary school'(小学校)は 'primary school' といいます。4~11歳までの子が通います。 'To volunteer' は、何かを無償で自発的に行うことをいいます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • I usually volunteer at elementary schools to read books to children

  • Sometimes I volunteer at elementary schools to read for the children

When you want to explain that you sometimes volunteer at elementary schools to read books for children; then you may explain this in the following ways: -I usually volunteer at elementary schools to read books to children -Sometimes I volunteer at elementary schools to read for the children
「時々小学校に行ってボランティアで子どもたちに本を読んでいる」は次のように言えます。 -I usually volunteer at elementary schools to read books to children(小学校に行ってボランティアで子どもたちに本を読んでいる) -Sometimes I volunteer at elementary schools to read for the children(時々小学校に行ってボランティアで子どもたちに本を読んでいる)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • I read books to children at elementary schools as a volunteer sometimes.

  • I sometimes volunteer at elementary schools to read books to the children.

I sometimes volunteer at elementary schools to read books to the children. - the word "volunteer" means to freely do something without being paid for it. The word "sometimes"means on occasion, not all the time.
I sometimes volunteer at elementary schools to read books to the children.(時々小学校に行ってボランティアで子どもたちに本を読んでいます) "volunteer" は「あることをお金をもらわず自発的に行う」という意味です。 "sometimes" は「〔いつもではなく〕時々」という意味です。
Chelsi B DMM英会話講師
  • I sometimes volunteer at elementary schools and read picture books to the children.

  • My hobby is reading picture books to children at elementary schools.

  • My hobby is making picture books. I sometimes read the books to children at elementary schools.

You could say that you sometimes volunteer at elementary schools and read picture books to the children. You could also include that it's your hobby, as in: My hobby is reading picture books to children at elementary schools. If you create the books yourself, you could say it like this: My hobby is making picture books. I sometimes read the books to children at elementary schools.
"I sometimes volunteer at elementary schools and read picture books to the children."(時々ボランティアで小学校に行って子どもたちに絵本を読んであげています) と言えます。「それが趣味だ」と加えることもできます。 例えば: My hobby is reading picture books to children at elementary schools.(私の趣味は小学校で子どもたちに絵本を読んであげることです) その本を自分で作ったなら次のように言えます。 My hobby is making picture books. I sometimes read the books to children at elementary schools. (私の趣味は絵本を作ることです。時々小学校に行って子どもたちにその本を読んであげています)
Michaell K DMM英会話講師
  • From time to time, I voluntarily read books to children at their schools

  • In my free time, I enjoy volunteering at local schools, reading books to young kids

Volunteering is the action of doing something without being paid. Many people enjoy doing this at it makes them feel like they are giving something back to the community and helping people out in general. It is considered a hobby. "In my free time" is another way of saying when I have free time or when I am not busy. So maybe if you already have a job and are not too busy, you would volunteer with other people, perhaps.
volunteering'(ボランティア)は、お金をもらわずに物事をすることをいいます。 人助けや地域への恩返しをしている感覚になれるので、ボランティアが好きな人は多いです。これは趣味と考えられています。 "In my free time" は 'when I have free time'(時間がある時)や 'when I am not busy'(同)の別の言い方です。 もし今就職していて、時間があるなら、他の人と一緒にボランティア活動ができるかもしれません。
Patrick I DMM英会話講師
  • "Sometimes, I volunteer at elementary schools and read books to children"

  • "When I have free time occasionally I will volunteer at elementary schools and read to children"

  • "I sometimes read books to children in elementary school as a volunteer"

If you wanted to explain that sometimes you volunteer at elementary schools and read books to children when you have spare time, you could say any of the following: "Sometimes, I volunteer at elementary schools and read books to children", "When I have free time occasionally I will volunteer at elementary schools and read to children" or "I sometimes read books to children in elementary school as a volunteer".
時間があるときに時々、小学校で本を読むボランティアをしていることを伝えるときのフレーズです。 "Sometimes, I volunteer at elementary schools and read books to children" (時々、小学校で子供に本を読むボランティアをしています。) "When I have free time occasionally I will volunteer at elementary schools and read to children" (時々時間があるときに、小学校で子供に本を読むボランティアをするつもりです。)  "I sometimes read books to children in elementary school as a volunteer" (時々、ボランティアとして小学校で子供に本を読みます。)
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
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