I was surprised to hear he was going to break up with his girlfriend.
この場合、decision that ... と言うより the fact that ... にした方が良いと思います。
ーI was surprised by the fact that he said he was going to break up with his girlfriend.
同格のthat を使いたいとのことですが、この分はあまり自然ではなく(文法的には間違っていませんが)同格のthatを使って会話をするネイティブはあまりいません。
ーI was surprised to hear he was going to break up with his girlfriend.
I was surprised to hear that he was going to break up with her.
・「I was surprised to hear that he was going to break up with her.」
(意味) 私は、彼が彼女と別れるという決断に驚いた
<例文>I was surprised to hear that he was going to break up with her. They've been together for ten years.