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2016/10/04 11:39
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  • Bluetooth earphones are very convenient and easy to use, but it's troublesome when the battery runs out.

「Bluetoothイヤホンはすごく便利で楽だけど、充電が切れるのが面倒臭い」というのは、英語でちょっと長くなりますが、このようになります: Bluetooth earphones are very convenient and easy to use, but it's troublesome when the battery runs out. earphones = イヤホン very convenient = すごく便利 easy to use = 楽 (使いやすい) it's troublesome = 面倒くさい when the batteries run out = 電池が切れる時に 「面倒くさい」は色々な表現があります。 it's troublesomeの他にit's a botherやit's a painという言い方もあります。
Jaime 英会話講師・翻訳家
  • Bluetooth earphones are convenient but it's a hassle to charge them constantly.

  • Bluetooth earphones are very convenient, but charging them is a whole different story.

"Bluetooth earphones are convenient but it's a hassle to charge them constantly." Convenient means there is little trouble in using Bluetooth earphones. Hassle means it causes trouble when you need to charge them. "A whole different story" means 'opposite'. In the second sentence, it means that using Bluetooth earphones is convenient but charging them is inconvenient. Sample Dialogue: Friend: Hey, do you think I should get Bluetooth earphones? You: Well, those earphones are convenient because they last for 6 hours. Friend: That sounds great. You: Yeah, but it's a hassle to charge it frequently if you want to use it all the time.
"Bluetooth earphones are convenient but it's a hassle to charge them constantly." 「ブルートゥースのイヤホンは便利だけど、常に充電しておくのは難しい。」 Convenientはこの場合、使いやすい、便利だ、何かをする時に面倒でない、という意味です。 Hassleはこの場合、充電する時に面倒だ、という意味です。 "A whole different story" は、 'opposite'(反対)という意味です。 二つ目の文章では、ブルートゥースのイヤホンは便利だけど、充電するのは不便だという意味です 会話例: Friend: Hey, do you think I should get Bluetooth earphones? 「なあ、ブルートゥースイヤホンって買ったほうがいいかな?」 You: Well, those earphones are convenient because they last for 6 hours. 「んー、ああいうイヤホンって六時間も持つから便利らしいよ。」 Friend: That sounds great. 「いいね。」 You: Yeah, but it's a hassle to charge it frequently if you want to use it all the time. 「ああ、でもいつも使って以来のなら、なんども充電するのが結構面倒らしいよ。」
  • Bluetooth earphones are the best, but the battery life is short and inconvenient to charge.

>Bluetooth earphones are the best, but the battery life is short and inconvenient to charge. ................................... *the best= works so much better than normal earphones. *short battery life= battery runs out quickly. *inconvenient=causing trouble, difficulties, or discomfort. .,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,....,..,
>Bluetooth earphones are the best, but the battery life is short and inconvenient to charge. ................................... *the best= 普通のイヤホンよりすごくいい。 *short battery life= バッテリーが切れるのが早い。 *inconvenient=面倒な、難しい、不便だ .,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,....,..,
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • Although Bluetooth earphones are convenient, they are troublesome to charge.

  • Bluetooth earphones are convenient, even though they are troublesome to charge.

1. Although Bluetooth earphones are convenient, they are troublesome to charge. The word "although" in English means in spite of the fact, so what this sentence is saying is that in spite of the fact that bluetooth earphones are convenient, they are still troublesome to charge. 2. Even though Bluetooth earphones are convenient, they are troublesome to charge. The words "even though" in English have the same meaning as although.
1. Although Bluetooth earphones are convenient, they are troublesome to charge. ブルートゥースのイヤホンは使い勝手がいいけど、充電するのが面倒だよ。 このalthoughは、 in spite of と同義です。 つまり、この文章は、 in spite of the fact that bluetooth earphones are convenient, they are still troublesome to charge. ブルートゥースイヤホンが便利なのだけど、それでもまだ充電が面倒だ。 と言い換えることができます。 2. Even though Bluetooth earphones are convenient, they are troublesome to charge. ブルートゥースイヤホンは便利だけど、充電が面倒だ。 "even though" はalthoughと同義です。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • The downside of Bluetooth earphones is that they always need charging

When talking about the negative aspects of something, or contrasting the good points with the bad points, you may use the word 'downside.' This word is similar to 'drawback.' It is the negative aspect of something otherwise regarded as good or desirable. "The downside of paper money is that it tears and may be destroyed if it gets wet"
何かについてネガティブなことを話すとき、または、悪い点と良い点を比較するときは、 'downside.' (否定的な面)という言葉を使うといいでしょう。これは、'drawback'(欠点)とよく似た意味です。否定的な点があるという意味です。 "The downside of paper money is that it tears and may be destroyed if it gets wet" 紙幣の欠点は、濡れると破れてだめになることです。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Bluetooth earphones are convienent but troublesome to charge

  • Bluetooth earphones are easy to use but a hassle to charge

When something is 'convienient' this also means they are 'easy to use' or we could also say they are 'handy' meaning useful to use. Troublesome and a hassle mean that they can be a pain or cause time and trouble to charge
easy to use'(使いやすい)は、'convienient'(便利な)の別の言い方です。あるいは、'handy'(便利な)と表すこともできます。 'troublesome' と 'a hassle' は「面倒なこと」という意味です、ここでは、充電に手間がかかることを表します。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • My bluetooth earphones are really convenient, but it's annoying when I have to charge them all the time.

  • I understand that bluetooth earphones could be convenient, but I wouldn't want to have to charge them all the time.

The first sentence here is referring to you owning a pair of bluetooth earphones and having experience using them, them being convenient, but that you get annoyed when you have to charge them all the time. The second sentence here is from the perspective that you do not own a pair of bluetooth headphones and that you have read somewhere or you can just imagine that they are convenient, but annoying to have to charge them.
一つ目の例では、自分がBluetoothイヤホンを持っていてそれを使ったことがあること、それが便利なこと、ただ、それを毎回充電しなければならないのが面倒くさいことを伝えています。 二つ目の例では、話し手はBluetoothイヤホンを持っていません。どこかで読んだか、あるいは想像で、「便利だけど充電が面倒」と言っています。
Reagan DMM英会話講師
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