世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/10/05 17:20
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  • Can I pay by sushi?

「~してもいいですか?」のCan I~?のパターンを使えます。 買い物をする時に、 Can I pay by cash? (現金で支払ってもいいですか?) Can I pay by credit card? (クレジットカードで支払ってもいいですか?) という表現と同じパターンで、Can I pay by sushi?となります。
Jaime 英会話講師・翻訳家
  • Can I pay you by/in sushi?

  • Can I just buy you sushi instead?

Pay by~=決済方法を焦点にしています。 Pay by credit card=カード決済 Pay by cash=現金決済 Pay in~=~の物に焦点を置いています。 Pay in cash=現金を支払う Pay in 1000 yen note=千円札で支払う ほかにもこんな風に言えます。 Can I just buy you sushi instead? 変わりに寿司をおごるのでいい?
  • 1. Can I pay for that with sushi?

  • 2. That $20 dollars I owe you - how about you come to my sushi bar and get a free meal?

Exchanging your product or item or service for another product, item or service is called 'barter' which was an old way of doing business. In this case, you aim to substitute a payment of cash for some sushi. It may be a joke as in phrase 1, or it may be a serious proposition as is the case with phrase 2. "How about..." We use this expression when we are making a suggestion. "How about we stay at home this evening?"
自分の商品やサービスを何かと交換する行為。これはbarterと呼ばれます。ビジネスの古い形のひとつですね。この場合、対価を寿司で払いたいということですね。1のようにジョークっぽくいうこともできますし、2のように真剣な場面でも使うことができます。 "How about..." これは提案に使われる表現です。 例:"How about we stay at home this evening?"
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Can't I pay you with sushi instead?

  • I am so broke right now .I can pay you with sushi ,it's in the oven right now if you like.

"Can't I pay you with sushi instead?" You are jokingly offering to pay with sushi. A: How much do I owe you for cleaning my room? B: I will take $50. A:$50 is too much!Can't I pay you with sushi instead? B: Ok, I will take that. "I am so broke right now .I can pay you with sushi ,it's in the oven right now if you like."
"Can't I pay you with sushi instead?" ①「(お金の)代わりに寿司で払っちゃダメ?」 寿司払いをする、と冗談っぽくオファーしている。 例文: A: How much do I owe you for cleaning my room? B: I will take $50. A:$50 is too much!Can't I pay you with sushi instead? B: Ok, I will take that. A部屋の片付け代はいくら? B$50でいいよ。 A$50は高いよ!寿司払いっていうのはどう?」 Bいいよ。 "I am so broke right now .I can pay you with sushi ,it's in the oven right now if you like." ②「今、金欠なんだよ。寿司払いならできるけど。もしよければ、(寿司は)オーブンにあるよ。」
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • Will you take sushi instead of cash?

  • I like to "barter" with you...Will you take sushi for services rendered?

Humour is a very subjective and may be a little confusing between cultures:-) In this case its an obvious joke.....and suggests a BARTER scenario,where we can exchange one object for some service /or goods.. A response might well be..."I always prefer cash!"
ユーモアは異文化間では時々混乱を招く事があります:-) このように明確な冗談とわかり、バーテンダーの様にサービスと品物を交換するシナリオではこの様に言えます。 ."I always prefer cash!" (私はいつも現金が良いです。)
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • Can I pay you with sushi?

  • What if I pay you with sushi? would that be alright?

  • Would it be alright if I pay you with sushi?

When you don't have the money, you can offer to pay someone using other means. We can get creative and offer favors, food, tickets to a movie, etc If someone enjoys sushi, you could definitely use these examples.
お金がないときには、別の方法で支払うことを提案できます。 頭をひねって、例えば行動で返したり、あるいは食べ物、映画のチケットなど。 もし相手がすしが好きなら、上記の例が使えます。
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • Do you take sushi?

  • What if I pay you with sushi?

"Do you take sushi?" "What if I pay you with sushi?" You have very good humor if you are planning to say this to a friend or family. The first expression is probably the most common in the U.S. because normally you would say do you take cash/credit cards/checks so instead you substitute it with sushi. The other expression is obvious that you are telling the person that you will pay them with sushi.
"Do you take sushi?"(すしは使えますか) "What if I pay you with sushi?"(支払いはすしでいいですか) これを家族や友達に言おうとしているなら、あなたはユーモアのセンスがありますね。 おそらくアメリカでは一つ目の表現が最も一般的です。普通は "Do you take cash/credit cards/checks?"(現金/クレジットカード/小切手は使えますか)です。ここでは、それを 'sushi' にしています。 二つ目の表現では明確に「すしで支払う」と伝えています。
Salomon DMM英会話講師
  • Can I pay you in sushi?

  • Do you accept sushi as a payment?

  • How about instead of cash I pay you in sushi?

The three sentences you see provided above are great ways to ask your listener if you can pay them in sushi. In the third sentence you will notice the word cash. This is a synonym for the word money. This word is appropriate for informal settings, like talking with close friends or family. It would make a great addition to your vocabulary.
上記三つの例文は「寿司で払ってもいいですか」のすごく良い言い方です。 三つ目の文には 'cash' という単語が使われています。'cash' は 'money'(お金)の同義語です。この単語は家族や友達と話すときなどインフォーマルな場面に適しています。ぜひ語彙に加えておいてください。
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
  • I'll pay you in sushi

  • Can I pay you in sushi?

"I'll pay you in sushi" To 'pay you in' is referring to paying in currency, this is describing that you will use sushi as a currency, this is a joke and funny phrase. "Can I pay you in sushi?" More of a question rather than a statement, asking if you can pay someone in sushi rather than money.
"I'll pay you in sushi"(すしで払います) 'pay you in' は「(お金)で支払う」という意味です。ここでは、お金の代わりにすしで支払うと言っています。これはジョークで面白いフレーズです。 "Can I pay you in sushi?"(すしで払ってもいいですか) こちらは質問です。お金ではなく「すしで支払ってもいいか」と尋ねています。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
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