You should put your hair up so it won't get messy.
・「You should put your hair up so it won't get messy.」
(意味) 髪が乱れないように、髪を縛りな〜
<例文>You should put your hair up so it won't get messy. // Good idea.
You should put your hair up so it doesn't get in your food.
Your hair is falling down on your food, you should tie it up.
ーYou should put your hair up so it doesn't get in your food.
to put one's hair up で「髪を結ぶ・束ねる」
ーYour hair is falling down on your food, you should tie it up.
to tie one's hair up でも「髪を結ぶ・束ねる」と言えます。