I was always healthy, but now I have an incurable disease.
I always had such good health, but now I find myself with an incurable disease.
ーI was always healthy, but now I have an incurable disease.
I was always healthy「いつも健康だった」=「いつも健康体だった」と言えます。
incurable disease で「難病」
ーI always had such good health, but now I find myself with an incurable disease.
I always had such good health「いつもすごく健康だった」=「いつも健康体だった」とも言えます。
I've always been healthy but I have a chronic disease now.
・「I've always been healthy but I have a chronic disease now.」
(意味) 健康体だったのに難病になってしまった。
<例文>I've always been healthy but I have a chronic disease now. So I go to the hospital every month.
<訳>健康体だったのに難病になってしまった。 そのため、毎月病院に行っています。