世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/10/17 14:26
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  • I have a phobia of insects and scary things!

  • I am frightened of insects and other scary things.

A phobia is when you have an irrational or extreme fear of something. Many people have phobias, so you can explain how terrified you are of insects by using this word. You can also say that you are frightened of insects and other scary things, which is strong wording which shows how much you do not like to see anything that scares you.
「phobia(恐怖症)」は、何かを極度に(どうしてか)恐れることをいいます。多くの人が「phobia」を持っています。ですから、この言葉を使って、虫が怖いことを伝えられます。 また、「I am frightened of insects and other scary things(虫とかが怖い)」と言うこともできます。怖いものが苦手なことを、強い言い回しで表してます。
Nadia F DMM英会話講師
  • I hate horrors and bugs.

怖いものには例えば、horror movies, haunted mansions, spooky jokesなどがありますね。そのように具体的に述べるのもよいかもしれません。 虫は総称してbugsと言います。 I just really hate them. 理由はないけど、とにかく嫌いです。という表現もあります。 ご参考になれば幸いです。
Yuiko Manager Research & Administration, ECC Junior講師
  • I can't stand bugs and scary things

  • I hate bugs and scary things

  • I refuse to be around bugs because I think they are scary

"I can't stand bugs and scary things, I hate bugs and scary things, I refuse to be around bugs because I think they are scary, Oh my gosh I just hate bugs!, I think bugs are so creepy I stay away from them, Bugs are disgusting!, I'm afraid of bugs!"
"I can't stand bugs and scary things" (虫と怖い物が大嫌いです) "I hate bugs and scary things" (虫と怖い物が大嫌いです) "I refuse to be around bugs because I think they are scary" (怖いので虫には絶対近づきません) "Oh my gosh I just hate bugs!" (うわぁ。私、虫大っ嫌いなの) "I think bugs are so creepy I stay away from them" (虫は気味が悪いので近づきません) "Bugs are disgusting!" (虫は気持ちが悪い) "I'm afraid of bugs!" (虫が怖いです)
Bobbi S DMM英語講師
  • I have a phobia for bugs and scary things

  • I have an innate loathing of bugs and scary things

If you really hate bugs and scary things, then you may explain that by using one of the above suggestions.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I hate bugs and things that scare me

  • I am frightened of...

To be "Frightened" is to express that you are scared of something or somethings, when using 'frightened' this often is used as a more formal statement rather than 'scared'.
"Frightened" は「~を怖がる」の意味です。 'frightened' は 'scared'(怖がる)よりもフォーマルな言葉です。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • I really hate bugs!

  • Bugs really gross me out.

  • I am really creeped out by bugs.

All of my responses use the word "bugs". Bugs are insects, spiders or other similar animals. You can say you hate them, which is just a strong dislike. If something "grosses you out", this is a way of saying that something disgusts you are makes you feel ill. To be "creeped out" is to be afraid of or scared of something. This is a common expression in American English.
三つ全ての回答で "bugs" を使っています。"bugs" は昆虫、クモ、その他類似の動物を言います。"I hate bugs" と言えます。"hate" は「大嫌い」という意味です。 "gross someone out" は「(人)をムカムカさせる」「(人)の気分を悪くさせる」という意味です。 "creeped out" は「恐れる」「怖がる」という意味です。これはアメリカ英語で一般的な表現です。
Peter E DMM英会話講師
  • I am not fond of bugs

  • I really dislike creepy crawlies

  • All small creatures and bugs disturb me

Creepy crawlies is another way of describing bugs and small creatures. These are usually found to be annoying.
Creepy crawlies' は、虫や小さな生き物を指します。これは普通不快なものをいいます。
Kayleb DMM英会話講師
  • I really hate bugs and scary things

  • I have a phobia of bugs and scary things

  • I'm frightened of creepy crawlies

When you have a fear of something or it frightens you then this is called a 'phobia' bugs are small insects like spiders, ants, beetles, centipedes etc an informal terms for insects is creepy crawlies
何か恐れているものがあるなら、それは 'phobia'(恐怖症)といいます。 'bugs' はクモ、アリ、甲虫、ムカデなど小さな虫をいいます。 'creepy crawlies' は「虫」の意のインフォーマルな言葉です。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
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