Please write down specifically how and why the accident has occurred.
I would like you to write down how the accident occurred precisely, according to the to temporal order.
Report precisely by a written document how and why had the injury happened at what point in the process of work.
「具体的に」という日本語を辞書で引くとconcretely と出てきますが、これは「抽象的」の反対語としての具体的なので、日本語でイメージしていることを伝えるためには、specificallyやpreciselyを使います。
Please write down specifically how and why the accident has occurred.
how and why は、具体的と相性が良い慣用句です。
I would like you to write down how the accident occurred precisely, according to the to temporal order.
Report precisely by a written document how and why had the injury happened at what point in the process of work.