世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/10/24 10:18
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  • I prefer to go to local places.

  • I prefer to see non tourist places.

  • I like to go to less popular places.

"I prefer to go to local places." Means you like going to local places more. "I prefer" Means you like to do it more than something else. "I prefer to see non tourist places." "Non tourist places." Are places that tourists do not often go. "I like to go to less popular places." "less popular places" Means places that less people go to.
"I prefer to go to local places." は、あなたが、ローカルな場所へ行くのを好むという意味です。 "I prefer" で、他のものと比較して何かを好むという表現です。 "I prefer to see non tourist places." "Non tourist places."は、観光者があまり訪れない場所です。 "I like to go to less popular places." "less popular places" は、人々が訪れない場所のことです。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • I like to go somewhere off the beaten track

  • I prefer local haunts

off the beaten track - this is in a place where few people go, far from any main roads and towns:so not many tourists know about it eg. The farmhouse we stayed in was completely off the beaten track. A haunt is a favorite hangout, so a local haunt is a favorite hangout for local people eg. So are we going to our usual haunt tonight?
off the beaten track - これはあまり人が行かないところ、大通りや町から離れたところ、開講客で知っている人が少ないところ 例 The farmhouse we stayed in was completely off the beaten track.(私たちが泊まった農家の家は人里離れていた。) haunt はお気に入りの遊ぶ場所のことなので、a local haunt は地元の人にとってお気に入りの場所という意味です。 例 So are we going to our usual haunt tonight?(で、今晩はいつも遊んでいる場所に行くの?)
Sue T DMM英会話講師
  • I just like to stay local rather than hit the tourist areas

  • Tourist spots don't appeal to me. I prefer the green green grass of home.

To stay local = to stay in your local area. "_______does not appeal to me." We use this expression to detail something which you find unattractive or wish to avoid. "Holidaying in Spain in the peak of the holiday season does not appeal to me!" 'The green green grass of home.' This expression has become famous following the Tom Jones song of the 60s, referring to the beautiful things you have in your hometown area.
To stay local = 自分の地元に滞在すること "_______does not appeal to me." この表現は、自分にとって魅力的ではなく、避けたいという時に使います。 "Holidaying in Spain in the peak of the holiday season does not appeal to me!" ホリデーシーズンの真っただ中にスペインで休暇を過ごすのはあまり魅力的ではないね。 'The green green grass of home.この表現は、Tom Jonesの60年代の曲からきました。自分の地元の綺麗な場所を指す言葉です。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I prefer to explore local places and what they have to offer.

  • I am not a big fan of famous tourist spots.

"I prefer to explore local places and what they have to offer." This expresses your preference for local places and finding out what htey have to offer for entertainment. "I am not a big fan of famous tourist spots." This means that you are disinterested in going to popular tourist places. not a big fan of something = you are not impressed with something;it does not appeal to you;you don't find it to be attractive.
"I prefer to explore local places and what they have to offer." This expresses your preference for local places and finding out what htey have to offer for entertainment. 「地元を散策して、どんなものがあるか観たいです。」これは、あなたが地元の方を好むこと、地元にどんなエンターテインメントがあるかを知りたいことを表します。 "I am not a big fan of famous tourist spots." This means that you are disinterested in going to popular tourist places. not a big fan of something = you are not impressed with something;it does not appeal to you;you don't find it to be attractive. 「観光名所にあまり魅力を感じない。」 人気の観光名所に興味がないことを意味します。Not a big fan of somethingは、その何かに魅力を感じない、という意味です。
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • I like to go where the locals go.

  • I like to stay away from the touristy areas.

These are common, casual ways to say this. I am totally like this as well.
Sean McGee エートゥーゼット英語学校 講師
  • I would rather visit the local spots than the tourist places

  • Let's avoid the tourist attractions and see the local attractions instead

  • I prefer the local attractions over the tourist spots!

To explain that you would rather visist the local attractions of a town or city you are travelling to you could say that you 'prefer' these to the 'main touristic sites'. The maint tourists sites of a country for example France's Eifel Tower are very popular and busy sites and would usually be filled with lots of people. If you prefer something quieter or prefer to check out the local culture you could visit a small Parisien cafe instead. Hope this helps Teacher Jemxi
旅行先で地元人が行くような場所に行ってみたいと伝えたい場合は、"I prefer these to the main touristic sites"という表現をする事も出来ます。 例えば国の観光地であるフランスのエッフェル塔はとても有名で沢山の観光客で込み合っています。もう少し静かな場所や、地元の文化に触れてみたいなら、代わりに小さなパリのカフェなどに行ってみてもいいかもしれないですね。 参考になるといいです。
Jemxi DMM英会話講師
  • I would like to go somewhere that only locals go to.

  • I would like to go somewhere local.

  • I'd like to get off the "tourist trail" and sample the local color...

  • Major tourist sights hold no fascination for me... I like to explore the local areas!

Going off-track and avoiding crowds of camera wieldin tourists, may well have its own rewards. Often we can find ourselves on holiday,,,getting lost in crowds of other tourists all doing the same thing.. .Some of us prefer " the local color" and the flavors of the real world... As experienced by the local people... This is a great way to dive into other cultures ... and come up smiling!
いつもと違う場所やカメラに振り回されるようなよくある観光スポットと違う場所はそれなりの良さがあります。 ホリデーではよく他の観光者と共に同じ場所で同じ事をしがちですよね。 観光者の中には実際にそこに住んでいる人により生み出される"the local color(地元色)"や地元の食べ物を好む人もいます。 他の文化を体験出来るいい機会ではないでしょうか。
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • I prefer visiting the places locals visit instead of the famous tourist spots.

  • Whenever I travel, I like to visit local places of interest instead of famous tourist resorts.

It so happens that some people prefer visiting places that the locals like visiting than the famous tourist spots. The reason for doing so could be because the local places have a lot more to offer, and, they may be a lot cheaper than the famous tourist spots. So, you may say: I prefer visiting the places locals visit instead of the famous tourist spots. or Whenever I travel, I like to visit local places of interest instead of famous tourist resorts.
有名な観光地よりも、地元の人が好む場所に行くのが好きな人はいますね。その理由は、有名な観光地よりも魅力的だったり、お金がかからないというのもあるかもしれません。 I prefer visiting the places locals visit instead of the famous tourist spots. 〔訳〕有名な観光地よりも地元の人が好む場所に行くのが好き。 Whenever I travel, I like to visit local places of interest instead of famous tourist resorts. 〔訳〕旅行に行くときは、有名な観光地よりも地元の面白そうな場所に行くのが好き。
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • I like visiting local places rather than touristy one's

  • I prefer visiting local places rather than touristy ones'

  • I like going to less touristy places.

We can either use the verb, "to like," or, "to prefer," and still keep the same meaning. When using prefer, we must always think that we are comparing two things to one another. Lastly we don't need to mention local places if we mention that, "I like going to less touristy places."
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
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