世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/10/25 17:35
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  • Turn the alarm off already!

  • Can you learn to wake up already?

アラーム鳴りっぱなしの人と一緒に寝るのは辛いですね。 この文章の場合、いい加減はalreadyで表現します。 Can you learn to wake up already?の例では「もう起きれるようになったら?」の様な表現です。 ご参考までに!
  • Turn off the alarm!

  • Switch off the alarm!

  • The alarm is buzzing! Turn it off!

When you want someone to turn off their alarm (either phone alarm or alarm clock) you would shout to wake them up - Turn off the alarm! This means to turn it from on to off to stop the ringing. Switch off the alarm! To switch off is the same as turn off. The alarm is buzzing! Turn it off! This is to inform the person that the alarm is making a loud noise (buzzing). I hope that helps!
相手にアラーム(電話のアラームや目覚まし時計)を止めてもらいたいとき、このように叫んで相手を起こすでしょう。 Turn off the alarm! アラームが鳴っているのを止めてほしいという意味です。 Switch off the alarm! switch off は turn off と同じ意味で、「〜をオフにする」です。 The alarm is buzzing! Turn it off! これは相手に、アラームが大きな音で鳴っている(buzzing)ということを伝えています。 参考になればうれしいです!
Danielle K DMM英会話講師
  • Turn off that alarm!

  • I'm gonna put that alarm in the toilet!

Well, she is your sister and you should never be rude or horrible - but sisters can be irritating sometimes. You can say to her loudly, "Turn off that alarm!" so she understands that your are annoyed. If she still does nothing you could say, "I'm gonna put that alarm in the toilet!" But please don't really do that! It's just to frighten her so that she turns off the alarm.
妹さんなんだからあまり失礼やきつい態度をとるべきではないと思うけど、時々姉妹って面倒な時がありますよね。大きな声でこういうといいかもしれません。"Turn off that alarm!"、それで妹さんもあなたが困っていることを理解するでしょう。もしそれでも彼女が何もしなければ、"I'm gonna put that alarm in the toilet!" と言っても良いでしょうね。本当にそんなことしちゃいけませんよ。アラームを止めない彼女を脅すだけですから。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • "Shut off the alarm!"

  • "For goodness sake, turn off the alarm!"

Sharing a room with someone, is not always easy, we all have little irritating habits and sometimes things that we just dislike about what they do or in this case, not do. "Shut off the alarm!" "For goodness sake, turn off the alarm!" "For goodness sake" is an idiom that we use to express our surprise or amazement.
誰かの部屋を共有することは、簡単ではありません。習慣や自分がしたい、したくないことについて嫌いな何かに少しイライラします。 "Shut off the alarm!" アラームを止めて。 "For goodness sake, turn off the alarm!" お願いだからアラームを止めて。 "For goodness sake"とは、驚いたときを表現するときに使う馬鹿げた表現です。
Ronel DMM英会話講師
  • Turn it off now or I will, and you won't like how I do it.

  • For both our sakes shut that thing off now!

The first expression is very direct and carries a hidden meaning. By saying "you won't like how I do it" you are letting your sister know that your method of shutting the alarm off will not be pleasant and she may never see her alarm clock again. The second expression is used to express the idea that shutting the alarm off is the best decision for both of you. It also means that shutting the alarm off will avoid a bad emotional or physical reaction.
一つ目の表現は、とてもストレートな言い方で、隠れた意味があります。"you won't like how I do it" で、「(あなたがアラーム止めないなら私が止める)私は楽しい止め方はしないよ、二度とその時計見られなくなるかもね」と伝えています。 二つ目の文は「お互いのためにアラームを止めた方がいい」といった意味です。「アラームを止めれば、相手を怒ったり殴ったりしなくて済む」という意味も含んでいます。
Matthew J DMM英会話講師
  • Kill that alarm clock. It is annoying.

>Kill that alarm clock. It is annoying. *To kill is=switch it off. *annoying=causing irritation Other sentences a. Can you manage you alarm clock properly. b Please turn that alarm clock off immediately.
Kill that alarm clock. It is annoying. *To kill is=スイッチを止めるという意味です。 *annoying=いらいらさせるという意味です。 他に以下のように表現することができます。 a. Can you manage you alarm clock properly. b Please turn that alarm clock off immediately.
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • Please turn off the alarm!

  • Please switch off the alarm, I can't sleep.

No matter how annoying the consistent sound of the alarm may be, you would do your sister a big favour by being polite and adding the adverb 'please'. So you may say; Please turn off the alarm. You may also say: Will you please turn off the alarm? In the second request, you have again used the adverb 'please' and then used the phrasal verb 'switch off' to mean, 'turn off (something) by turning or pushing a button or moving a switch, lever, etc'. This phrasal verb is interchangeable with 'turnoff' used in the first sentence.
どんなにやかましくてイライラしていたとしても、お願いする時は丁寧にして、pleaseをつけてあげるといいでしょう。 よって、Please turn off the alarm?ということができます。 または、Will you please turn off the alarm?でも良いでしょう。 二つ目の文でも、pleaseを使います。そしてswitch offという単語をレバーやスイッチを押してturn offするという意味で使っています。この動詞句はturn offと言い換えが可能です。
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • Please can you turn that off!

  • Can you turn the alarm off please?! Its doing my head in!

  • The alarm is really loud in the mornings, would you be able to turn it off please?

Please can you turn that off! MEANING= this is a very direct way of saying it! This isn't particularly polite and you might want to use this when you're annoyed with her for not turning it off. Can you turn the alarm off please?! Its doing my head in! MEANING= the first part is very reasonable and just asks that she turn the alarm off. Saying please is also very polite. The 2nd part :'its doing my head in' is not so polite and a colloquial phrase meaning= its annoying me!! The alarm is really loud in the mornings, would you be able to turn it off please? MEANING= this is a very polite way of saying the above 2 phrases and the first part explains why you would like her to turn the alarm off. This is a very logical and calm way of saying turn the alarm off pleas.e
Please can you turn that off! 意味:これはストレートな言い方で、そこまで丁寧ではありませんが、目覚ましにイラっとしているときなどはこういう表現が使えます。 Can you turn the alarm off please?! Its doing my head in! 意味:最初の部分は彼女に目覚ましを切るようお願いする普通の表現です。 Pleaseをつければもっと丁寧になるでしょう。 後半部分は:'its doing my head in' はあまり丁寧じゃなありません。 口語的なひょうげんで、これはits annoying me!!という意味になります。 The alarm is really loud in the mornings, would you be able to turn it off please? 意味:これは上記の二つの表現をかなり丁寧に言う場合の言い方です。 まず何故アラームを消してほしいのか伝える論理的で、そしてお願いの言い方もかなり丁寧な言い方です。
Beki DMM英会話講師
  • Turn off your alarm clock,I'm trying to sleep.

  • Turn it off!

1.Turn off your alarm clock,I'm trying to sleep. - This means that you are trying to be nice when asking them to turn off the alarm. 2.Turn it off! -You are angry and you would like them to turn it off.
1.Turn off your alarm clock,I'm trying to sleep.- これは相手に目覚ましをとめてくれるよう優しくお願いする表現です。2.Turn it off!-怒りを示しつつ、止めて欲しいと伝える表現です。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Give me a break!

  • After the alarm rings, you need to turn it off!! Give me a break!

"Give me a break" suggests you need a holiday, from all that clock ringing noise:-) Its always best to ask nicely ...(you get better results!) "After the alarm rings, you need to turn it off!! Give me a break!"
"Give me a break"(いい加減にしてよ) この目覚ましの音から逃れて、あなたは休息が必要かもしれないですね:-) こういう場合は、うまく尋ねるといいですね (いい結果をもたらしますよ!) 【例】 "After the alarm rings, you need to turn it off!! Give me a break!" (目覚ましが鳴ったら、止めなさい!もう、いい加減にしてよ!)
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • Turn off the alarm!

  • Switch off the alarm!

  • Stop the alarm!

We can use the verbs, "to stop," "to switch off," or, "to turn off," to express that we want the person to turn off the alarm and stop it from continue to make a lot of noise. There are many extra things we can add to these verbs to express ourselves further but these would be the best roots to start with.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
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