世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




お金の読み方がイマイチよく分かりません。 学校で習った数字の読み方は分かるのですが…。
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2016/11/09 15:38
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  • five hundred (and) fifty-five yen

  • fifty-five hundred (and) fifty-five yen / five thousand, five hundred (and) fifty-five

  • fifty-five thousand, five hundred (and) fifty-five yen

上から 555円、5,555円(2通り)そして三段目が、55,555円です。 3つしか例文を書けないので、555,555円は five hundred, fifty-five thousand, five hundred (and) ffty-five yen 質問者様は、学校で習った[数字](の読み方はお分かりとのことですが、[お金](の読み方も同じに読めばよいので、簡単ですよ。 だいたい、英語の数字は、基本的にコンマごとに単位を変えて読めばいいだけなので、日本語の数字より簡単です。 5,555円なら、コンマの前が5 (千の単位)ですので、まずfive thousandと読んで 次に555をそのまま five hundred (and) fifty-fiveと読んで追加すればOKです。 (が、この場合だけは、fifty-five hundred (and) fifty-five と読んだ方が完結なので、このように読むことも多いです・(上の例文2の順番は、多い順に、逆に書いてあります) 55,555円も同じで、まずコンマ前の数字が55で、単位は千の場所のコンマですので、まずfifty five thousand といい、 次に555をそのまま、five hundred (and) fifty-fiveと読んで追加します。 555,555円も同じやり方で、まず、コンマ前の数字を見ると555ですので、 five hundred fifty five thousand といい、 次に555を同じように、five hundred (and) fifty-fiveと読んで追加します。 参考になりましたら幸いです。
  • five hundred and fifty five yen

  • five thousand, five hundred and fifty five yen

  • fifty five thousand, five hundred and fifty five yen

five hundred and fifty five yen. five thousand, five hundred and fifty five yen. fifty five thousand, five hundred and fifty five yen. five hundred and fifty five thousand, five hundred and fifty five yen.
five hundred and fifty five yen. (555[円]( five thousand, five hundred and fifty five yen. (5千555円) fifty five thousand, five hundred and fifty five yen. (5万5千555円) five hundred and fifty five thousand, five hundred and fifty five yen. (55万5千555円) 例: I only have five hundred and fifty five yen. 私は555円しか持っていません。
Jemxi DMM英会話講師
  • Five hundred and fifty five yen.

  • Five thousand, five hundred and fifty five yen

  • Fifty five thousand, five hundred and fifty five yen

Five hundred and fifty five yen. Five thousand, five hundred and fifty five yen Fifty five thousand, five hundred and fifty five yen Five hundred and fifty five thousand, five hundred and fifty five yen. It is important to note the 'and' which comes before the tens. When saying numbers in English, there must always be an 'and' before the tens are mentioned. I hope that helps!
555円... Five hundred and fifty five yen. 5,555円... Five thousand, five hundred and fifty five yen 55.555円... Fifty five thousand, five hundred and fifty five yen 555,555円... Five hundred and fifty five thousand, five thousand, five hundred and fifty five yen 10の位の前にくる 'and' に気をつけましょう。英語で数字を言うときは、10の位の前に必ず'and'がきます。 参考になればうれしいです!
Danielle K DMM英会話講師
  • Five hundred and fifty-five yen

  • Five thousand, five hundred and fifty-five yen

  • fifty-five thousand five hundred and fifty-five yen and fourth one is: five hundred and fifty-five thousand five hundred and fifty-five yen

Money numbers are not easy to say but practice is the best way to learn them. There is a trick to the numbers - we count in intervals of three counting from the right number to the left . For example 555 yen. We would count in the interval of 3 . So we would say five hundred and fifty-five yen example- 5234 yen is 5 thousand , two hundred and thirty four yen not five hundred twenty-three and four yen * trick* the first three numbers are always hundreds intervals or less - when count 4 numbers like 5555 - remember we stick with the same 3 intervals. five thousand , five hundred and fifty-five yen -when counting 5 numbers like 55555 - fifty-five thousand , five hundred and fifty-five -when counting 6 numbers like 555555 - five hundred thousand, five hundred and fifty-five - here is some tricks on the intervals of 3 and when to use * 000 - hundred or less * 000 000 - thousands - hundred thousands ( 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2,1) , ten thousands ( 90, 80, 70, 60, 50, 40, 30 , 20, 10) and single thousands ( 9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1) * 000 000 000 - millions - hundred million, ten million, single million, then the thousands than the hundreds -always start with the interval number than count down from there 675 588 - six hundred and seventy-five thousand five hundred and eighty-eight
お金の数字を言うのは簡単ではありません。しかし練習が一番の習得する方法だと思います。 数字にはあるコツがあります。 英語では、右の数字から左の数字にかけて三つずつを一つの塊と考えます。 例えば、 555円は、”five hundred and fifty-five yen”と言います。 また、 5,324円は”five thousand, two hundred and thirty four yen”と言います。 “five hundred twenty three and four yen”(5百2十3と4)とは言いません。 ※コツは、最初の3つの数字は百ずつかあるいはそれ以下です。 5,555のように4つの数字が連なっているときでも いつも3つで1セットと覚えておいてください! “five thousand five hundred fifty-five” 55,555のように、5つの数字が連なっているときは “fifty-five thousand five hundred fifty-five.” (55千555)と言います。 555,555のように6つの数字が並んでいるときは “five hundred fifty-five thousand five hundred fifty-five” (555千555)と言います。 3つずつの塊にして、それをいつ使うかのコツがあります。 ◯◯◯million ◯◯◯thousand ◯◯◯ で数字を1から999まで◯に入れて表現することができます。 いつも塊ごとに考えて数えていきましょう。 675,588だと “six hundred and seventy-five thousand five hundred and eighty-eight.”
Sarah Olin DMM英語講師
  • Fiv hundred and fiftyfive yen

  • Five thousand five hundred and fiftyfive yen

  • Fiftyfive thousand, five hundred and fifty five

In the UK we say 'and' before the final last two digits. "Two hundred AND twenty two" How many runs did the last player score in the cricket match? "A hundred and five - and that's why his team won!"
UKでは、最後二つの数字を言う前にandをつけます。 例 "Two hundred AND twenty two" How many runs did the last player score in the cricket match? ひとつ前の選手はクリケットの試合でいくつランを決めたの? "A hundred and five - and that's why his team won!" 105点、だから彼のチームが勝ったんだ。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Five fifty five yen.

  • Five thousand five hundred and fifty five yen.

  • Five hundred fifty five thousand five hundred and fifty five

Five fifty five yen = this is a casual easy way to say the amount of money, often said when you have ordered a coffee or in a shop. Five thousand five hundred and fifty five yen = this is how you can say it naturally without sounding awkward. Five hundred thousand fifty five thousand five hundred and fifty five = a less wordy way of saying the amount without saying a bunch of "ands" you will be understood.
Five fifty five yen =555円(コーヒーを買うときやお店で使う、カジュアルな言い方です。) Five thousand five hundred and fifty five yen =5,555円(自然な言い方です。) Five hundred thousand fifty five thousand five hundred and fifty five =555,555(andをたくさん使うことなく言う方法です。)
Sarahh DMM英会話講師
  • five hundred fifty five yen

555円 = five hundred fifty five yen 5,555円 = five thousand five hundred fifty five yen 55,555円 = fifty five thousand five hundred fifty five yen 555,555円 = five hundred fifty five thousand five hundred fifty five yen 上記のような言い方ができます。 ぜひ参考にしてください。
Erik 日英翻訳者
  • five hundred and fifty five 555

  • five thousand, five hundred and fifty five 5555

  • fifty five thousand five hundred and fifty five 55555

five hundred and fifty five 555 five thousand, five hundred and fifty five 5555 fifty five thousand five hundred and fifty five 55555 five hundred and fifty five thousand five hundred and fifty five 555555
"five hundred and fifty five" 555 "five thousand, five hundred and fifty five" 5,555 "fifty five thousand five hundred and fifty five" 55,555 "five hundred and fifty five thousand five hundred and fifty five" 555,555
Homa DMM英会話講師
  • five hundred fifty five

  • five thousand five hundred fifty five

  • fifty five thousand five hundred fifty five...

555 - five hundred fifty five 5,555 - five thousand five hundred fifty five 55,555 - fifty five thousand five hundred fifty five... 555,555 - five hundred fifty five thousand, five hundred fifty five 英語の数字は3桁ずつで区切って読みます。 1 = one 1,000 = one thousand 1,000,000 = one million ぜひ参考にしてください。
  • five hundred fifty five yen

「555円」は、five hundred fifty five yenと言います。 yen はyensと複数形になりません。 ちなみに、dollar「ドル」なら、five hundred dollarsのように複数形になります。 以上です。 少しでも参考になれば幸いです(*^_^*)
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