世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/07/10 20:23
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  • Could you break a five thousand yen bill into some one thousand yen bills and coins for the rest?

"Could you 〜, please?" は「〜して頂けますか?」と、人に丁寧に頼む時に使われる表現です。 "break A into B" は、ここでは「AをBに崩す」ということを表します。"change A into B" と言うこともできます。 "bill" は「紙幣」、"coin" は「硬貨」を表します。 "for the rest" は「その他(の点に関して)は、残りは」という表現です。 よって「千円札何枚かと残りを硬貨に崩す」となります。
  • May I have four 1000 yen bills and coins of the rest, please?

  • Can you break this into four 1000 yen bills and the rest in coins, please?

"May I have four 1000 yen bills and coins of the rest, please?" "Can you break this into four 1000 yen bills and the rest in coins, please?" "May" is a formal way of asking a question. "Can" is the informal way of asking a question. "Bill" is the paper money version. "Coin" is a round metal form of money.
May I have four 1000 yen bills and coins of the rest, please? Can you break this into four 1000 yen bills and the rest in coins, please? 「May」は質問を尋ねる丁寧な方法です。 「Can」は質問を尋ねる丁寧ではない方法です。 「Bill」は紙幣です。 「Coin」は丸いメタルのお金です。
Ronel DMM英会話講師
  • Can I get change for a 5000 Yen please? I would like four 1000 Yen's and coins with the rest.

>Can I get change for a 5000 Yen please? I would like four 1000 Yen's and coins with the rest. Example: Him: How can I help you? You: Can I get change for a 5000 Yen please? Him: Yes sure, how would you like it? You: I would like four 1000 Yen's and coins with the rest. Him: Nor problem. You: Thank you.
>Can I get change for a 5000 Yen please? I would like four 1000 Yen's and coins with the rest. (例文) Him: How can I help you? お手伝いしましょうか? You: Can I get change for a 5000 Yen please? 5000円を両替してください。 Him: Yes sure, how would you like it? もちろんです。どうしたいですか? You: I would like four 1000 Yen's and coins with the rest. 1000円札4枚と残りを硬貨で欲しいです。 Him: Nor problem. 問題ないです。 You: Thank you. ありがとうございます。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • Could you change this for four thousands and the rest in change please?

Well, if you are buying something, then this person will be obliged to give you change of some denomination, and in that case, you may well specify your preferred notes and coins: "Could you change this for four thousands and the rest in change please?" However, if you are just trying to change a note without buying anything, then better to ask first, "Could you change this please?" "Sorry sir, we don't do change."
何かを買いたくて、紙幣を崩してくれる人がいるのだったら、どんな紙幣やコインが欲しいのか一緒にいってしまってもいいよね。 "Could you change this for four thousands and the rest in change please?":これ、1000円を4枚と後は細かいので貰えますか? ただ、何も買わないのに両替だけするのなら、下のようにしっかりきいてからだね。 "Could you change this please?" 両替できますか? "Sorry sir, we don't do change." 申し訳ありませんが、やってません。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Could I please have this changed into 1000 yen bills and the rest into coins.

You can use the sentence above to request for this. Therefore you say this while handing them the cash. Another word for request is ask.
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Can you change this into 4 thousand and the rest change please?

  • If you don't mind, I would like to change this for 4 thousand and some change.

You walk into a convenience store with 5 thousand yen in your hand, go up to the counter and ask the staff "Can you change this into 4 thousands and the rest change please?" OR You could say; If you don't mind, I would like to change this for 4 thousand and some change.
手に五千円をもってコンビニに入り、カウンターに行き店員さんに以下のようにいう言うことができます。 "Can you change this into 4 thousands and the rest change please?" これを4千円と、残りを小銭にかえてくれませんか?  If you don't mind, I would like to change this for 4 thousand and some change. もし大丈夫なら、これを4千円と小銭にかえて欲しいのですが。
Hendrik DMM英会話講師
  • Please break this 5000 yen bill into four 1000 yen bills and the remaining 1000 yen into coins.

If a 5000 yen bill is going to be broken into a few 1000 yen bills and the rest into coins, there can only be four 1000 yen bills. This leaves 1000 yen to be broken into coins. However, we have not been informed what denominations the coins have to be broken into. The teller giving you the new bills and the coins would have to decide what coin denominations to give you. So, you may say to the bank teller: Please break this 5000 yen bill into four 1000 yen bills and the remaining 1000 yen into coins.
5000円札を1000円札数枚と硬貨に崩す場合、1000円札は最大で4枚になります。この場合、残りの1000円を硬貨に替えます。ただ、何の(いくらの)硬貨に替えるのかはおっしゃっていませんので。窓口の人は、お金を渡す時にそれを決めないといけません。 銀行の窓口で: Please break this 5000 yen bill into four 1000 yen bills and the remaining 1000 yen into coins. (5000円札を4000円札4枚と硬貨に替えてください)
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
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