世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/11/24 00:02
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  • Can we keep the menu for a while?

Can we keep the menu for a while? 少しの間メニューを持っていても良いですか? →他のアンカーさんが回答してくれているように「メニューを持っていていいですか?」という表現で十分かと思います。 もちろん、”We might order something else later.”あとから何か頼むかもしれませんという表現を補足しても良いですね!
Rina The Discovery Lounge主催
  • Can I look at the menu a little more?

  • Can I keep the menu?

look at〜で「〜を見る」。a little moreは「もう少し」で、a little (while) longer「もう少しの間」と言っても良いです。 can I keep the menu? 「メニューをまだ持っていてもいいですか?」 「持っておく」=「後でまた見る」ということなので、直接「見る」と言わなくても、相手にわかってもらえるでしょう。
  • Could you leave the menu please?

  • Is it OK to keep the menu on the table?

You are politely requesting that you retain the menu. That is enough. You do not need to explain that you may wish to refer to it later during the meal. That is obvious. Could you....? = This is a polite way to make a request. Is it OK...?= This is a polite way to ask if it's alright to do something.
丁寧にメニューを持っておきたい、というお願いです。これで十分です。食事中に後でそれを見かもしれないと説明する必要もありません。蛇足です。 Could you....? = =これはお願いをするときの礼儀正しい言い方です。 Is it OK...?=これは何をするのがよいかどうか尋ねる丁寧な言い方です。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • 1. Could you leave the menu with me?

  • 2. I'd like to hang on to the menu for a bit longer.

1. "leave the menu with me'- means that you would like it for longer or for it not to be removed. 2. 'hang on to'- means that you would like to keep it for a some time.
1. "leave the menu with me'- これは、もうちょっと自分のそばに撮っておきたいという意味です。 2. 'hang on to'- しばらくの間、持っておきたいという意味で使われます。
Mandy DMM英会話講師
  • oh, sorry could I keep this for a bit longer?

  • I can keep the menu please?

  • Can I keep this please? I might want another drink!

*oh, sorry could I keep this for a bit longer?* Meaning= can I keep the menu for a bit longer please *I can keep the menu please?* Meaning= can I keep the menu on my table please *Can I keep this please? I might want another drink!* Meaning= I want to keep the menu on the table because I might want to order another drink/dessert These are easy phrases to use in restaurants. Although yes it is normal to take menus away after ordering, waiters and waitresses definitely won’t mind leaving it with you. I worked in a British restaurant for over 5 years so it really wasn’t a big deal to ask for the menu to stay on the table. They will be happy to help
*oh, sorry could I keep this for a bit longer?* 意味=メニューを少し長くおいてください。 *I can keep the menu please?* 意味=私はメニューを持っておくことができます *Can I keep this please? I might want another drink!* 意味=私は別の飲み物/デザートを注文するかもしれないので、テーブルにメニューを残したい これらはレストランで使用する簡単なフレーズです。 注文後にメニューを持っていかれるのは普通ですが、 ウェイターとウェイトレスは間違いなくメニューを残しても構いません。 私は英国のレストランで5年以上働いていました メニューをテーブルに残すことは大したことではありませんでした。 彼らは喜んで助けてくれるでしょう。
Beki DMM英会話講師
  • Can you leave one menu? I'd like to keep looking.

  • Could you leave one menu here? We might want to order more food later.

  • Could you leave one menu here? Just in case we'd like to order some more food...

Can you leave one menu here? - you can ask the waiter to leave one of the menus on the table so that you can keep looking at the different orders e.g. We'd like to order 2 tako yaki's, 2 pork gyoza, and the sashimi box, but can you leave one of the menu's here? We might want to order more food later.
"Can you leave one menu here?" (メニューをここに残してくれますか?) - 他の注文も見るためにウェイターにメニューを1つテーブルにまだ残してくれるよう頼むことができます。 例: "We'd like to order 2 tako yaki's, 2 pork gyoza, and the sashimi box, but can you leave one of the menu's here? We might want to order more food later." (たこ焼きを2つ、豚餃子を2つ、そして刺身を注文しますがまだメニューを1つここに残してくれますか?後でもっと注文するかもしれません。)
Chantelle DMM英会話講師
  • Can I use the menu a little bit longer?

this means that you still want to use the menu and you can call the waiter once you are done.
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • I am still using the menu. Please collect it later.

  • I am not done with the menu yet. Please come for it later.

  • May I use the menu for a bit longer please?

In the first statement, you have started with the reason why the waiter should collect the menu later. You are still using the menu. .So, you may say: I am still using the menu. Please collect it later. The informal phrase 'done with' actually means 'to be finished dealing with something so that you don't have anything to do with it anymore'. In this case you are still dealing with the menu. So, you may say: I am not done with the menu yet. Please come for it later. In the last sentence, you are politely requesting the waiter to let you use the menu for a bit longer straightforwardly. So, you may say: May I use the menu for a bit longer please?
初めの文でなぜウエイターが後でメニューを取りに来るべきか説明しています。あなたはまだメニューを見ているのです。 このように使えます: (英文)I am still using the menu. Please collect it later. (訳)私はまだメニューを見ています。後で取りに来てください。 あまり丁寧ではない'done with'というフレーズは使い終わって需要がなくなったという意味です。この場合はメニューを使い終わったということです。 このように使えます: (英文)I am not done with the menu yet. Please come for it later. (訳)私はまだメニューを見終わっていません。後で取りに来てください。 最後の文では丁寧かつストレートにもう少しメニューを見たいことを伝えています。 このように使えます: (英文) May I use the menu for a bit longer please? (訳) もう少しメニューを見てもいいですか。
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • Can I "hold on" to the menu for a while longer...?

  • I'd like to keep the menu for a bit longer...I want to peruse all the dishes!

As a customer your desires and requirements are of paramount importance to the restaurant you are visiting. So if you want anything, simply ask! There are NO RULES regarding menu access time;-) While some can make "snap decisions" , when it comes to food; many of us like to "dally a while" and "examine all the options available" to us.
レストランにとって、お客さんの要望は最も大切です。ですから、欲しいものがあれば、遠慮せずお願いしましょう! メニューを見られる時間に制限はありません 何を食べるかすぐに決めてしまう人もいますが、ゆっくり時間をかけて見ていく人も多いです
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • "Please can I keep my menu a little bit longer so I look at it some more?"

  • "Can I keep the menu for a little while longer?"

  • "Could you leave the menu with me please?"

If you were at a restaruant and you are aware that they will usually be taken away after ordering, but you would like to keep the menu with you to look at it some more, you could ask the waiter/waitress any of the following to ensure this: "Please can I keep my menu a little bit longer so I look at it some more?", "Can I keep the menu for a little while longer?" or "Could you leave the menu with me please?".
レストランで、普通は注文したらメニューは回収されるものの、注文した後も「もう少しメニューを見ていたい」、これをウェイター/ウェイトレスさんに説明したいということですね。例えば次のように言えます。 "Please can I keep my menu a little bit longer so I look at it some more?"(もう少しメニューを置いておいてもらえますか。まだ見たいので) "Can I keep the menu for a little while longer?"(もう少しメニューを置いておいてもらえますか) "Could you leave the menu with me please?"(もう少しメニューを置いておいてもらえますか)
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • May I have some more time to look at the menu?

  • I need a little bit more time to look through all the options.

Most waiters or waitresses will give you more time to look through a menu if you ask politely. For example you could say "May I have some more time to look at the menu?" or "Could I please look at the menu for a few more minutes?" You could also just state the fact that you are in need of more time, like "I need a little bit more time to look through all the options."
これは、丁寧にお願いすれば、ほとんどのウェイター・ウェイトレスは快く応じてくれると思います。 例えば: "May I have some more time to look at the menu?"(もう少しメニューを見させていただけますか) "Could I please look at the menu for a few more minutes?"(もう少しメニューを見させていただけますか) 「もう少し時間が必要」とシンプルに事実を伝えることもできます。 例えば: "I need a little bit more time to look through all the options."(全部見ていないのでもう少しいいですか)
Madison T DMM英会話講師
  • Can I keep the menu to have a look, please?

  • I would like to keep the menu to have a look at it later.

  • Could I keep them menu to have a a look at it later, please?

Can I keep the menu to have a look, please? I would like to keep the menu to have a look at it later. Could I keep them menu to have a a look at it later, please? The waiter or waitress you say this to will certainly understand what you want if you say one of these sentences or questions. Good luck with using them. I hope this helps. Have a great day. Will
Can I keep the menu to have a look, please?(もう少し見たいのでメニューを置いておいてもらえますか) I would like to keep the menu to have a look at it later.(後で見たいのでメニューを置いておいてもらえますか) Could I keep them menu to have a look at it later, please?(後で見たいのでメニューを置いておいてもらえますか) ウェイターまたはウェイトレスにこのように伝えてみてください。間違いなく伝わると思います。応援してます。 参考になれば幸いです。 良い一日を。 ウィル
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
  • Please leave us with one menu.

  • We'd like to keep one menu.

1.Please leave us with one menu. "Leave us with" means that you would like one menu to be left behind so that it can be used by everyone at the table in case there is something additional that they'd like to order. 2.We'd like to keep one menu. This means exactly the same thing - that if one menu is kept behind, then everyone at the table can share the menu to decide on dessert or additional beverages (drinks).
1. Please leave us with one menu.(メニューを一つ置いていってもらえますか) "Leave us with" は、後でまた何か注文するかもしれないのでメニューを一つ「置いていって」ほしいという意味です。 2. We'd like to keep one menu.(メニューを一つ置いていってもらえますか) これは上の例と全く同じ意味です。追加で飲み物を注文したりデザートを何にするか決められるよう「メニューを一つ置いていってほしい」と伝えます。
Shams DMM英会話講師
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